How hard are my courses??

Hi! I’m new to the forum and I have recently
Started my first year in IB. I’m freaking out
Because everyone says it’s really hard. I was wondering how hard my courses are. I really
Want to get into UBC (I’m Canadian btw)
I’m Taking:
Math SL
French B SL
Geography HL
English SL
Chemistry HL
Biology HL

I’m currently taking different classes, but my response is based on my experience and from what I’ve heard.

Math SL- If it’s SL Studies, it will be a very easy class.

IB Languages shouldn’t be too bad if you study.

I don’t know about IB Geography.

I’m currently in English HL and I don’t find it all too difficult. You should do well in SL.

Chem and Bio- This one I stress the most. I’m in Physics SL and I am hating it. The reason is because I have never taken an honors or even regular physics course. My advice to you is to only take an IB Science that you have prior experience in.

Math SL is HARD! Don’t underestimate it! If you can stick it out though, it’ll look great!
HL Geo is fairly easy- alot of reading but it’s one of the easiest HLs and you’ll get a good grade easily.
HL Bio is probably the easiest HL science- if you make good notes, memorize, and understand processes you’ll be in good shape. It’s helped me in Bio to rewrite any notes i feel aren’t good enough. Bioninja will save your life.
HL Chem is extremely difficult. Taking 2 sciences is hard enough, and the fact that both are HL might hurt you. I’d consider dropping to SL Chem to increase your score.
English SL will be easy, same with French if you’re decent at languages.
Stay on top of your work, make good notes, and really reconsider taking 2 HL sciences- unless you absolutely NEED to, i really would NOT recommend it. It’s too much and you’ll struggle to keep your grades up.
IB is hard. But it’s doable. I’m in senior year and pretty overwhelmed right now, so enjoy the first year as much as youu can. There’s a storm coming…

HL Chem will be your hardest class. It is AWFUL

Don’t be discouraged! I still remembered when my son decided to take HL Math, HL Physics and HL Chem, many seniors asked him to think twice as it would be very hard in terms of time management. If you are really interested in those subjects, you should be fine.