<p>How about the IIMs?</p>
<p>niyantha and invinctus, IIT is bad, but see AIIMS... (All India Institute for Medical Sciences)... 300,000 compete for 25 places type</p>
<p>But the toughest to get into is - the Antarious institute of instiitutes... Zero acceptance rate for all of you.. Muhahaha :D</p>
<p>Cooper Union, Deep Springs, YAle</p>
<p>I don't know what MSN encarta is based on, but would venture to say that the acceptance rate at Dartmouth has been lower and test scores have been higher than at Penn for each of the last 50 years. I'm not quite sure how to go about confirming this...</p>
<p>I have to say that any of the Service Academies is very hard. I base that off the academic, physical, and medical reqs. Pretty much everything on this list ranks up there too, just in different ways.</p>
<p>Northwestern-the Ivy League of the Mid West</p>
<p>stanford....(hopefully not)</p>