<p>Unlike the acceptance letters to other colleges I applied to, the Harvard letter from William Fitzsimmons was signed with blue ballpoint pen! Underneath his signature, he also wrote "Hope you'll join us!" in pen... that made me happy! I like this personal touch... is this on everyone else's letters?</p>
<p>Yep, it was It made me smile
So… it was personal, yet impersonal :)</p>
<p>Haha that’s true… Princeton’s letter wasn’t as good, so that’s a point for Harvard in my decision process!</p>
<p>hey i got 56 grand finaid!!!</p>
<p>wow, thats like more than you actually need I got quite a bit as well :)</p>
<p>i got pretty good finaid as well, tho they still expect me to pay $1200 out of my summer earnings. but $1200 is really nothing compared to the 56k sticker price LOL so im very content with their offer xD</p>
<p>@sev1991 i actually do need it cause im a Pakistani so one dollar is 84 rupees…for me…56 grand is 2 million rupees n my parents earn abt 6-8000 dollars a year:-(</p>
<p>I got that too. I wonder if he actually signed that…of course it would be really lame if it were fake, and I can’t imagine Harvard doing such a thing. But there were over 2000 acceptances! Maybe he signed a stack a day. Or maybe the acceptance letter template was already worked out so he knew exactly where to sign on blank paper; so he started signing them even before decisions were ready and then sent the signed paper to print.</p>
<p>…Haha. This is ridiculous. It’s ridiculous that I’ve been accepted.</p>
<p>ah, I see, LailaK I was just saying because I thought the sticker price was 55k, so that would have been more than was needed, but I forgot about travel etc. ;-)</p>
<p>Nickel&Dime, I’ve been wondering about that note a lot as well: How DID he do it?! :)</p>
<p>do u guys know if harvard will send any flags or t-shirts!!!yale is sending them…i want sum harvard merchandise too!! cant even buy it…im in pakistan!</p>
<p>Could you come to the admitted students weekend? I heard its loads of fun and you get free stuff!!</p>
<p>yea he wrote that on mine too!!! I was soo excited! Harvard was not kidding when they said their fin aid plan was making college more affordable for middle class families!!! Their fin aid blew everyone else’s out the water</p>
<p>I was accepted (via email) but have not yet received my acceptance letter in the mail! Is anyone else in the same position? It seems rather late…</p>
<p>afflatus, seems like you are in California also? Im in SoCal and i got the mail(its in Priority package) two days after the email. It will get to you, don’t worry</p>
<p>@laststopforme…no im afraid i cant come to the admitted students weekend:( but yale is sending me stuff like flags n t-shirt n i already chose harvard…i reeli wantd a t-shirt… neways i hope u guys go to the weekend n get loads of goodies!!! ill be in cambridge in august!</p>
<p>Ask Harvard’s admissions office to send you your t-shirt…I am sure they will oblige. They give t-shirts to parents and students the pre-frosh weekend, and you made the right decision choosing Harvard over Yale :}.</p>
<p>heyy what were any of your class ranks?</p>
<p>what was your test scores? Were your scores really high?</p>
<p>gratz to all you guys i dont wanna go to harvard because im premed. Maybe Medical School :)</p>