<p>@T26E4 While I do understand your opinion, and while it does make a certain sense that I don’t entirely disagree with, when push comes to shove, I take (mostly) the opposite point of view. </p>
<p>This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. A person who has stats like the OP, as you and I know, has a very slim chance of being admitted. Still, there are a couple people who do get admitted with such scores and grades. Usually they have something unusual about them. Since there is so much more to a person than what is posted on a message board, I have no idea what the OPs story is. Maybe they lived 10 years in a refugee camp in Burma. Maybe they just learned English two years ago. Who knows? </p>
<p>The point is this: I would never tell someone to limit their dreams on the front end. Even if you and I and they know that their chances are slim, I do think there are benefits to going through the process, both psychologically and practically. They have to write more essays, and hone them to a shine. Because of this, I think their other applications will actually be BETTER, not WORSE for going through the process of applying to HYP or whatever. </p>
<p>Even if they get rejected, later they can always know that at least they gave it their best shot rather than have that nagging “what if?”. In the longer run, if they have a good experience meeting H or Y or P alums through the interview process, or through visiting the school, they might be inclined to apply to grad schools at said universities, and may get in then, having learned everything they learned through the undergrad process about what is necessary for Ivy admissions. </p>
<p>All that being said, there are your considerations as well-- especially the financial cost, which to me is the one that I agree with. However, if you are struggling so much financially that you can’t afford the extra $75 application fee to Harvard, then you can apply for a fee waiver. For most average people, $75 isn’t going to break you either way.</p>
<p>It’s up to each person individually, really.</p>
<p>I just think it’s always better to dream and shoot high. </p>
<p>Keep looking up!</p>