Harvard Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Hi, i applied to REA as international student as well. Have you got an interview? May I know why is it a good sign if international student got interviews late? Thanks

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it’s not a matter of good or bad sign mate. those are interviewed in whose region there are plenty alumni and moreover last year in my country a guy who got accepted to Harvard class of 2025 wasn’t interviewed. He was the only to get into Harvard from my country


where are you from


Hi guys, the REA decision will be announced on Dec. 16th, for sure.

How do you know?

An athlete told me Dec. 16th was written on his unofficial letter of acceptance.

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I can read that in the interviewer handbook of class of 2026 :
“The interview is perhaps our most important recruiting tool. In recent years, the Admissions Committee has been able to admit only about one of every twenty-five applicants to the College, and so alumni/ae interviewers may be the only personal contact applicants have with the Harvard admissions process.”

For example, my son who is an international applicant got an interview by zoom one week after he submitted (first week of November) with a former student of Harvard.

That could be said for any school’s alums. For Harvard’s the interview has been a great way to be engaged with the school and connected to the local H clubs.


Where are you based?

What a shock. Marketing material that stretches the truth. :roll_eyes:

Is there any alum handbook which tells the unvarnished truth that the interview will not make or break the application? I doubt it. The alumni office is looking to engage alums, not turn them off.

Handbook means marketing material? What a shock! The world is not what it was!

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Well, fwiw, I TRY to have fun.


If no one got, does that mean interview is not a ‘sign’? I read a Yale alum saying they were interviewing candidates genuinely for extra info and not as a ‘sign of admission’.

Yale interviewer*

I am also from India. I didn’t get any interviews

Anyone applying from Israel got an interview? I wasn’t worried about not getting one before, because on the applicant portal it said I might not get one, but after reading the comments I kind of am :pleading_face:

First year Harvard student here taking a break from exams. I thought I would revisit the website I spent way too many hours on last year! Wishing everyone the best of luck as you await your early action decision. I applied RD!


do you know if any international got in without interview last year? also by any chance do you know if Indians got interviews this year?

did any Indian receive an interview?

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