Harvard Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anyone know when REA is coming out? It still says mid-December. I am assuming it is next Friday at the latest. But, I know Dartmouth sent out an email today saying they are releasing tonight.

I think December 16th, that’s what most people are saying, but Yale is doing dec 15th so idk

My son’s school Naviance showed one was accepted.

Columbia has been posted as the 14th…

It shows up on Naviance? Just general, that one of the students was accepted? What if the school only had one apply? Then the person would know.

Acceptances on Naviance are self-reported by the student. Schools do not update them, so take them with a bit of a grain of salt. In some schools, they are underreported (I know that is true at my DC’s school), and in others, overreported. If there is an admit listed on Naviance for this year at your child’s school, that is either a mistake or someone who received a likely letter.

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My brother got in REA with the class of 2024 and he and all of his classmates said that decisions are almost always released on Thursdays so REA decisions will probably be released on the 16th

Do they usually release it at a certain time? I know last year they released it at 7pm ET but I don’t know if that’s common.

I too think the decisions will come out on December 16, 7 pm ET

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Harvard, at last, have it posted on their admissions website that, yes, it’s Thursday 12/16 at 7pm eastern time. It’s been Thursdays during this week for quite a few years now.


I wish all applying the best of luck!

For those who get an answer not exactly what you wished, let it roll off you like water off a duck. These admissions officers know only your application, they do not know you as a person or all the things that make you special that do not translate into a college application. Take pride in your accomplishments, work ethic, resilience, and high standards. No matter where you study or what path you choose, it is not your school association that will determine your success in fulfilling your life goals - it is YOU.


I go to a boarding school and my college counselor requested a call with Harvard AO (which is what they do for all colleges kids apply from my school). They have a call scheduled for Wednesday which is literally a day before the decision release date. Anyone have any idea what this can possibly mean?

Did your counselor tell you this? If so, why didn’t you ask him/her?


so it means the decisions are already finalized by now and will get posted on Dec 16, 7PM EST

If Harvard’s AO are compelled about your application also loved it and on top of that if your counselor talks just what your application has said then surely you are gonna get accepted or else if your application is already on the rejected pile then talk with your counselor won’t change anything but still there might be a chance.

I submitted a music supplement with my Harvard supplement. Because of Covid, it was hard for me to get a lot of pieces recorded. I was only able to submit one solo. The performance went really well, but could this still severely hurt me?

Probably not; most music supplements are never reviewed.

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One would assume that all decisions have been finalized for days now. It’s only an assumption, however. The thing with Harvard is that they have been in this admissions business for over 300 years. It’s highly unlikely that they make grandiose errors regarding the process. Announcing the day and time that decisions will be released but then waiting until the day before to actually finalize the list is not likely.


omg here we go

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sorry, but what do you mean by that? If going state wise - I am in kentucky.