Harvard first year in college?

<p>IS it possible to graduate from highschool with like a 4.0 or higher in all the Advanced Placement classes and be accepted into Harvard/Med?
Or is it like nearly impossible for an average student that has that 4.0 like myself without attending like MIT or UCLA, or Berkley?</p>

<p>I’ve only just started looking at the possibility of med school, but I don’t think a case like this would even stand a chance. Harvard Med has a 3% acceptance rate, and you can bet that about 99% of their applicants have (at least) a bachelor’s degree, plus extracurriculars and experiences that few high school students would be able to achieve.</p>

<p>On top of that, if you’ve only gone as far as the AP curriculum, you won’t have done any coursework like organic chemistry and such. You have to have the pre-med curriculum under your belt before they’ll even consider you, and without that curriculum, you’ll never have a chance at the MCAT.</p>

<p>It’s hard enough just to get into Harvard College with the credentials you’ve mentioned. Is there a reason you want to skip undergrad work?</p>

<p>Well i just recently talked to a college cons. And they said that there are SOME students that graduate from highschool and have came directly into med school, passed the MCAT with flying colors from independent study, ect. The reason they told me it would be better to do 2 years at a 4 year college (like MIT), full time and double major, is because i have 16 years of school ahead of me! I am going to be a plastic surgeon. And So they said that if i double major and work full time directly out of highschool that fall, then it will cut 4 years off the 16. Then if i get into Harvard Med School, they said that my chances of graduating early are about 2:1. so I can go directly into a post grad work from undergrad work within 6 years. Then do my residency program, ect. So instead of 16 years of schooling ect, i will have about 11 years.</p>