harvard pre-college program

has anyone been to or is planning to go to the harvard pre-college program? i just got accepted…is it selective? is it worth the 4k? (also how does their financial aid work)


Not really. You pay, you get in.

It’s very limited.

It’s not selective. It’s worth it if you take a class or classes that are interesting to you. It’s a great area to be during the summer and it’s easy to also tour Boston area schools like MIT, Tufts, BU, BC, etc.

@skieurope so if one were to receive financial aid, does it mean anything?

Does it mean anything in terms of what?

“worth” of going to the program

Well, I guess it depends upon the net cost. You’ll learn something, get to tour some colleges, meet some new people. In terms of college admissions, it’s no better and no worse than most other programs, and is certainly better than sitting on the couch.

I went to it last year, and I remember it was quite selective, but not as selective as applying to actual universities. For me, it was really worth it!

Can anyone tell me what the Harvard Pre-COllege program is like? I am looking for information about what the students do outside of their 3 hour morning course. Are there scheduled activities, can the students pick and choose how to spend their time outside of the classroom, etc. Thank you!

@wherewilliebe2021 Can you tell me what your day was like? My son will be attending, and I am having a hard time finding info about how the dy is structured outside of class and meals. Thank you!