Harvard RD 2014 Thread

<p>[YouTube</a> - Tom Lehrer - Fight fiercely Harvard](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J04FRsesBQ]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J04FRsesBQ)</p>

<p>For near-deadline spirit! Haha.</p>

<p>fight fight fight. umm are we fighting?</p>

<p>I’m dooooooooooooone. Apps submitted, yay!</p>

<p>Hi all!</p>

<p>I’m from MN, and my interests at Harvard lie in English and Anthropology. I applied ED to Barnard College of Columbia University and UChicago and was deferred at both places. Regular decision, I’ve applied to Princeton, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Vassar, the U of MN (accepted!), Swarthmore, and Northwestern.</p>

<p>Good luck to you all! I’ll be around. :)</p>

<p>(I still need to submit the Harvard app . . . am diligently working on revising my addt’l essay.)</p>

<p>submitted and oh yes it feels great.</p>




<p>No, but I am curious as well. Princeton contacted me within a couple days for an interview. I also live in a metropolitan area so there is no shortage of alumni interviewers.</p>

<p>Mifune, you are fortunate. I really would like an interview but I do not live in a highly populated area :-/.</p>

<p>Deadline in 1.5 hours and I can’t upload my freaking essay somebody shoot me.</p>

<p>Oh. Heee~ And I thought Obama banned ‘chillax’ alredy? :P</p>



<p>Yep, no need to worry :)</p>

<p>Did you try perhaps rebooting the computer? Sometimes web browsers do funny things and rebooting clears whatever is screwing up Mozilla/Internet Explorer. </p>

<p>Or you can try uploading with different document formats? (Ie. Adobe/doc or docx)</p>

<p>What’s up, yall. I submitted my Harvard App yesterday in last second fashion.</p>

<p>My objective was to apply to Harvard as an experiment–since I had the fee waiver to use. I’ve been reading William Zinsser’s “On Writing Well” and I wanted to write something humorous on the spot, but with no prompt or deadline, I had no motivation. So I decided that I would look for a last minute college that wanted a Supplementary essay; and Harvard’s open ended “submit whatever you feel like” Supplement was a chance.</p>

<p>My initial idea was to write an essay about windows, hamsters, and how that connects to me experiencing reverse racism. Matter of fact tone, humor relies totally on the content and rhythm. Unfortunately, I came down with a case of writer’s block and decided to submit a pre-written sample. :(</p>

<p>Anyways, I’ve applied to Harvard. haha</p>

<p>Yeah…I already decided I wouldn’t get in…but my mom yelled at me and said that I have as good of a chance as anybody else…however her speech didn’t make me feel better. I got into Dowling and Marymount Manhattan with scholarships (they were safety schools) but I’m still waiting on Harvard (obviously), Cornell, Vassar, Barnard, Stony Brook, and Binghamton :)</p>

<p>Okay … I applied. If I get in it will be because of the unusual circumstances in my life essay. lol But I need my SAT to be just a bit highe rbefore I get more confident.</p>

<p>Submitted a while ago, The only thing between me and harvard now is the like 0.001% acceptance rate, YAAAY</p>

<p>Haha I submitted last night. I just got tired of the whole application thing.</p>

<p>I kind of miss the excitement though.</p>

<p>Thanks Handala, theskylitup. Problem solved 30 minutes later but yeah, I had to reboot and all, a lot of work for someone who’s illiterate when it comes to technical stuff lol. And then I went into a coma for 8 hours HAHA. :P</p>

<p>Quasi, I know right. I was just sooo drained! After the essay was uploaded all I wanted to do was pass out. NOW!</p>

<p>Oyah, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBADEHH!!! And GOOD LUCK!!! Damnit, I hope Harvard just admits everyone here lol.</p>

<p>I think academic focus goes

<p>Oh no! My SAT scores are really abysmal… I hope they take my international-ness into account… And my high school grades are high and I have self-studied APs… And I realize non of this information is relevant for anyone reading this. </p>

<p>I am still redrafting my essays!</p>

<p>^ You haven’t sent in your app yet? Cutting it a little close, aren’t you?
Good luck to all.</p>

<p>Hmm. Yeah. I know! I just want to make sure I don’t make any spelling errors.
And besides, I’ve wanted to go to Harvard for years, it is almost surreal to submit at this point, so I need some courage to push that button hehe!</p>