I seriously can’t be anywhere near school. I’m going to be a hot mess!!!
@redrabbit23 I don’t know what I’m going to do. All I know is that I don’t want my mom next to me…that’s too stressful. I’M ALREADY GETTING SCARED THINKING ABOUT IT.
At this point, I just want a deferral. Most likely going to be rejected at some point but strangely I’m not that upset at that prospect. I strongly believe that it’s the person that makes the school, not the other way around. I’m pretty sure there are some people at Harvard or any extremely selective school who hate it there despite the resources, people, atmosphere
@schroscat SAME! It’s honestly going to be crying and crying and just ugh. AHHH I DON’T WANT TO BE REJECTED AND FEEL BAD ABOUT MYSELF :(((((((
OMG y’all, agreed! I need to be in a completely private place—not even in my room is private enough because of family. Like I said last night, I’m definitely hiding out in my car for decisions
@flautamagica I’m pacific so 2:00 for me!
@tuty143 omg i feel the same way…people are going to judge
@QueenN22 Amen! I think if Harvard is the right fit for us, it will be shown in our admissions decisions. A rejection/deferral doesn’t mean that we’re not good enough; it just means we aren’t the best fit for them. We’ll all end up happy somewhere, and it doesn’t have to be Harvard!
@tuty143 If anything, we’ll be deferred. Only around 500 people are rejected in the early round, and the rest are deferred!
@magic125 I’m so scared of that I don’t want people to have the idea in their head that I’m going there. Because I’m not! ugh just this stress is killing me you guys!
Kind of wish I was on the Pacific Coast so I could just check right after school and then lay on my bed forever. Waiting 3 hours with nothing really to do is just bad for my nerves
Anyone experience when your friends and family think your acceptance is a shoe-in? I really can’t deal with that.
@schroscat I used to have a SUPER old Armstrong from my Great Aunt that she claimed was solid silver and all this crap so I paid her almost $1,000 for it (plus she threw in a Yamaha piccolo) and then had to pay like another 700 in repairs and then a couple of years later paid like 300 to get it cleaned and shined (it was soon dark). The tone quality was so crappy, the low register was barely coming out no matter how hard I tried. Somehow still managed to do well in competitions with it! We were going to try to sell it but we would only get like $200 for it and we found out it wasn’t actually solid silver. I finally saved up (traded in my two crap flutes and my piano) and used the money from a competition I won playing my flute teacher’s flute to pay for a financing plan with a local music store and now have an Azumi which I LOVE. Btw love the puns
@QueenN22 What time zone are you in? Honestly because it’s coming on a Thursday, I’m quite pleased to be in CST since it’ll actually be coming when school is over for me
I will still have like 2 hours before the decision is released after school I’m probably just going to binge watch grey’s anatomy and go insane
@flautamagica Azumi is so beautiful, ahh! It sucks how expensive the flute ends up…forget reeds. (Though, reeds are AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY.) Cleaning a silver instrument gets pricey, and don’t get me started on pads! My old flute just decided to not play anymore, and it was worth -$ at this point, so I borrowed my co-worker’s Yamaha for a pit I volunteered for over the summer, and after that, convinced my mom to buy me a new flute. It’s probably my greatest purchase. (Thank you, I try. Puns are my thing!)
@QueenN22 why do you want to be deferred?
@RandomRhino Eastern
@nsliyromanov same. I just have to pretend like it doesn’t phase me I don’t get my hope up. At the same time, it’s nice that people think you good enough for a school like Harvard but these days, kids are crazy competitive. Sometimes I’m just like where did you get the time, funds and etc to do all these things?
Wait decisions come out at 5 pm for which time zone?
@schroscat oh god I remember getting the pads replaced. Instruments are so pricey but this one is gonna last me awhile! At least until I am hopefully an uber rich doctor and I can buy one of those beautiful solid silver ones (a girl can dream)
@redrabbit eastern time zone
@giraffeinatree I would love to be accepted! But I’m not trying to cry my eyes out all night. I would rather aim for the most realistic option, then be pleasantly surprised. As someone pointed out, only like 500 applicants get rejected so I assume those are the ones that are not academically competitive enough. I have more of a chance of being deferred than rejected or accepted. Also imagine all the applications this year! I estimate like 6500