Harvard,Stanford, or UMKC 6 year?

I recently got admitted into Harvard, Stanford, and UMKC’s 6 year med program. As much of a blessing as that is, I am having a hard time choosing between which school to go to. Harvard seems cool because it’s in the heart of Boston and is also where most of my cousins live. Also, Harvard boasts an extremely high med school admit rate sitting at around 95%. Stanford was appealing to me because it’s in sunny California where the weather is amazing. Also, the opportunities revolving around sports is amazing. I play 3 sports. However, the med school acceptance rate isn’t great, sitting at around 75% admit rate. Lastly, UMKC’s 6 year seemed good to me because I can get my BAS/MD in just 6 years. However, I have hear it isn’t the best when it comes to matching with prestigious residencies. Will finding a residency be hard? I was also looking into Brown’s PLME program. Side note, I am not the best when it comes to academics and I believe the reason I was admitted to these schools was probably because of my essays and EC’s. What should I do?

what did you choose? and if you don’t mind me asking, what was your UMKC essays about? im applying this year if you could help