<p>i hope so. it comes down to their housing space though, i bet. </p>
<p>Best of luck to the both of us! </p>
<p>(Maybe sometime in the near future we'll meet at the big H).</p>
<p>i hope so. it comes down to their housing space though, i bet. </p>
<p>Best of luck to the both of us! </p>
<p>(Maybe sometime in the near future we'll meet at the big H).</p>
<p>i should try and convince two of the people i know to drop out. and then we can take their spots. in cabot and winthrop.</p>
<p>haha...drop out of harvard...thats a funny sugguestion...
then again, so did bill gates and look where he's at now...(ok i know its the cliched example)
anyone have any other harvard drop-out sucess stories?</p>
lets keep in touch for the next few months</p>
<p>aww i wonder if poor ole martinibluex got in.ha</p>
<p>i guess all those success stories of drop outs show that to a certain degree, the hard part is getting in</p>
<p>Hey, what major are you guys/gals? I'm just curious.</p>
<p>shall we all become facebook friends, at least?<br>
I'm Elizabeth Nicholas at University of Vermont....
and I think martini was waitlisted?</p>
<p>im a biochem/econ double concentrator. </p>
<p>Shag - I'm a loser who's not yet on facebook lol. I figure I'll wait till I get a hold of these new (better) emails</p>
<p>Government/history concentrator, and I cannot WAIT to be on Harvard facebook, and I seriously have to go to bed, it's almost 2AM here and i have a business meeting at 9... le sigh.... g'nite errbody</p>
<p>I am a women's and gender studies major.</p>
aww i wonder if poor ole martinibluex got in.ha
Oh, yes I did. Haven't been rejected from a school yet. How about you?</p>
<p>nice martinibluex!</p>
<p>I'm Eric Lin at Northwestern University and its music/electrical engineering. (And yes, its possible)</p>
<p>Congrats to all of you. i would have appliedt o harvard (and i kind of wish i had) but i didn't think my application was strong enough. i've been accepted everywhere i applied so i'm starting to think i should have</p>
<p>best of luck at harvard, i have lots of friends that go there and they love it</p>
<p>Hey Willem, thanx.</p>
<p>Congrats to you too. Where are you going next year?</p>
<p>I was also accepted to Harvard.. Spring Transfer.
Government, or mabye English or Philosophy concentration... not quite sure yet.</p>
<p>I'm still deciding between Columbia and Harvard, but I'm leaning torwards Harvard... I'll definitely let you all known when I decide.
Feel free to PM me, because I'm not on these boards as much as some of you are</p>
<p>congrats martinibluex, were you admitted for fall or spring? not a rejection yet, wow. where are you currently again?</p>
<p>oh my god. i just got financial aid from harvard-- 20,000 a year! georgetown told me my family made too much money to be eligible for financial aid anywhere! yayyyy I LOVE THIS SCHOOL!!!</p>
<p>that is amazing beth!</p>
<p>oh wait, i may have been wrong. they didn't list the washu scholarship anywhere on the page, so perhaps even though i wrote it on the fafsa, they didn't get it? in any case, i'm trying to get washu to change me from a transfer student to a visiting student for a semester and then since they pay full tuition for me and tuition travels abroad, go to london next semester if they can squeeze me into some program this late. that would involve a lot of luck and i guess both harvard and washu would have to approve the program for credit, but that would be absolutely amazing. also, if they really did mean to give me that much money...
and kyle, dinner downtown soon, yes?</p>