Admitted student visits

Anyone know when Wisconsin sends out dates/info for admitted student visits? My daughter’s school break is in February and she is hoping to visit then to minimize time away from school, as we are in MA.

By now you should have gotten emails about it. I have for some time now. If not, go on the website and look for UW-day or admitted student visits.

@MountainGrl the subject heading of that e-mail should be: Sign up for UW-Madison Admitted Student Events

You need to sign in with your NetID and password and log into Visit Bucky.

here are the dates (pasted directly from the e-mail):

Your UW Day is a full day of programming that includes a campus resource fair, breakout sessions, a tour, and a school/college-specific afternoon session so you can learn more about your chosen major. Join us on February 15, March 8, April 5, or April 15.

Admitted Student Information Sessions are shorter visits specifically designed for admitted students that begin with a presentation and conclude with a campus tour. Sessions take place on April 1, April 8, April 19, April 22, April 26, and April 29.

Financial Aid: Next Steps for Admitted Students sessions cover commonly asked questions by admitted students. These sessions take place after each Admitted Student Information Session and Campus Tour on April 1, April 8, April 19, April 22, April 26, and April 29.

@JBStillFlying - thanks. She received it a while after my initial post and signed up for one of the Your UW Days. She’s already done a campus visit/tour, so hopefully this will give her more insight on her chosen program.

If you have already visited and toured UW and are OOS, is the UW Day worthwhile? Has anyone gone in previous years or any recent admits attend the Feb 15th one?

My daughter has the same question, @collegetime18. She did the propspective student visit and tour, and loves UW, so her questions focus heavily on her proposed major (atmospheric science) as she compares that program to other schools’ meteorology programs. She emailed the department to see if there would be more in-depth info at the Your UW Day, and if not, if she could visit the department, and is waiting to hear back. We are also OOS.

Following up…has anyone attended a Your UW Day yet? Was it a general presentation from the college, or were you able to get more in-depth information on particular majors? My daughter emailed the department for her prospective major but never heard back. She loves UW, but the lack of information on her particular major is frustrating, especially as she is trying to compare UW’s undergraduate program to that of other schools.

My daughter has informally toured Madison a few times in the past few years so she didn’t feel the need to do an admitted student visit. But she did do an Engineering college tour about 2 weeks ago to get a better feel for her actual academic program.

She can just send another email request for info. The recipient might have just missed in a flurry of other emails.

She’s sending the email again today. I was wondering whether anyone attended the February 15 Your UW Day and whether there is departmental information. We’re crossing our fingers that there’s more specific information or someone from the department. It’s a long trip to take if she can’t get the info she needs to make a decision, or if it is merely a repeat of what she heard on the general presentation/campus tour she took last year.

@mountaingrl My daughter attended the Your UW Day on February 15th and found it to be valuable. Some of the information was repetitive, but for the most part it was new information for and worthwhile, especially now that it’s in the context of being an admitted student.

Thank you, @sparty0411. Glad to know it was helpful! Do you know if there were representatives/information specific to individual majors, or was it general information for the college (ie, College of Letters & Science)? We plan to attend the March 8 session, but it’d be helpful to know whether she’ll be able to learn more about her planned program as part of the day, or if she’s going to need separate arrangements.

@MountainGrl There was a session in the afternoon for the College of Letters and Science where each of the majors/departments (plus others like honors, advising, etc) had a table where students could ask questions. My daughter spent about an hour there talking to the representatives to get more information. I’m not sure if the other schools had similar sessions, but the L&S one was great.

That’s a huge help, @sparty0411 - thank you.

@MountainGrl No problem, good luck.