Has ANYONE ever gotten into Penn with a 3.4?

<p>If you have, please tell me. (I kind of know that I wasted the $70 or however much it was, but maybe there will be some kind of miracle? Administrative error? Divine intervention?)</p>

<p>Actually, any stats from people who have been admitted as juniors would be lovely.</p>

<p>this probably won't be reassuring, but I'm also a transfer applicant to Penn with a 3.4</p>

<p>Good luck to you!! (Sophomore transfer, I assume? Also, what prep school did you go to?)</p>

<p>Seriously, though, has anyone gotten in with a 3.4???</p>

<p>HIGHLY Unlikely, but I bet it's possible if you have the ECs to back it up. And I don't mean just any ECs, but like really really really good ones. That and test scores.</p>

<p>Remember, college admissions is a holistic process. While there's probably a mental cutoff point in every adcom's mind for their own college, if you're an outstanding applicant in every other field, it's possible.</p>

<p>I take it that excellent ECs means "wrote and published a bestseller" or "founded an aid program for orphans in Rwanda". </p>

<p>All I've got is that I'm an editor for a campus magazine and helped found it, and my SATs are mediocre - 1420/1600. (I have other ECs, too.)</p>

<p>To be honest, a 3.4 might not cut it with those ECs. While the SAT is high, and it'll be taken into consideration, I'm gonna guess you're gonna be applying for a Junior status?, with 4 semesters of grades from college, most colleges don't weigh SATs that heavily.</p>

<p>Also, it really depends on where you're applying from. While a 3.4 is kind of low for Penn, there's a difference if it's at a CC, or if it's at HYP (I know, really bad comparison, but you get the idea)</p>

<p>there's probably no difference between HYP and CC gpa...</p>

<p>but if you have a 3.4 from chicago then that might look better..</p>

<p>Chicago does deflate GPAs, that's a well known fact. But how much weight does an adcom actually give to that? There was a discussion about that a few weeks? ago, and I think it came down to, while the adcom understands deflation, it's not gonna be THAT big of a compensation.</p>

<p>That being said, are you saying that if I applied to Penn from HYP, I'd have the same chance as from a CC? That's just a bit ignorant in my opinion. HYP is superior to CCs, and with the same GPA, you'd have a better chance. When I used the HYP example, I meant the best of the best schools (among many others of course, but not grade deflation itself)</p>

<p>I was just referring to the gpa qua gpa... adjusted gpa and prestige of the school you're coming from are two independent parameters in the admissions function</p>

<p>I'm coming from CU Boulder, whatever that means... (I did take very heavy and varied courseloads on top of work and what limited ECs I have...and I am coming from a very prestigious high school, which I know will matter less for a junior transfer).</p>

<p>(I took physics for physics majors, chem for chem majors (40% of students fail it), a junior level econ class, etc. as part of 5 course loads (4 is the norm), with the max credits an undergrad can register for. That may mean absolutely nothing, though.)</p>

<p>I don't have any of the information you're looking for, but I also have a 3.4 and seriously adore the idea of administrative error in the admissions office.</p>

<p>in this case, I'm pretty sure you know your chances. it could happen but it probably wont. I'm pretty sure most top notch schools require 3.5 s to be considered. I believe NYU Stern and WUSTL's Olin say this on thier website. maybe that is just a B-school thing though.</p>

<p>I believe the exact words were something along the lines of "the most competitive students... had ect ect" ?</p>

<p>I haven't read Penn's or NYU's in a long time, but if it does indeed say that, it does imply that the people who are let in, have around that GPA range. I doubt they'll throw anyone's out with a 3.4.</p>

<p>Yeah. I know it's about nil...here's the thing, though - Georgetown, for example, accepts an average of 3.7 (according to an admissions office receptionist). That means that for a 4.0 (and they at least admit some), they also accept a 3.4. Right? </p>

<p>Penn's average may be higher, but they DO accept some lower GPAs if they accept higher ones...</p>

<p>For God's sake. I know what I'm getting in the mail. But let's all just hope for administrative errors...or at least that we end up happy somewhere.</p>

<p>No one on this board can tell you if your grades will get you in or not.</p>

<p>Be comfortable with your grade and just have the right attitude towards transferring - if you get in, great! if you don't, thats fine, just do well in your current college. </p>

<p>I'm sure there are ppl who have transferred into Upenn with a 3.4, just as I'm sure that there are ppl who have transferred into Upenn with a 4.0. But it all depends on what YOU have to offer to Upenn - perhaps what you have to offer outweighs a slightly lower GPA and on the same token, perhaps it doesn't.</p>

<p>You will know in May. Good luck.</p>

<p>CVJN, yeah, you are right on that point. </p>

<p>and marta, your point isn't always the truth. </p>

<p>example: two students with 4.0s and two students with 3.5 is a 3.75 average (no one was admitted with less than a 3.5)
example2: one student has a 4, one has a 3.8 and two have 3.6 is a 3.75 average. (meaning no one was admitted to this 4 person school with less than a 3.6)</p>

<p>I'm not saying Penn hasn't accepted a 3.4 student, I'm just saying you method has some flaws to it. again, you have some chance and no one here can tell you that you have no chance at all, it's just that your chances would be alot better with a higher GPA.</p>

<p>Oh, I understand. Don't worry...I'm just having my weekly freak-out, and believe me, I'm not enough of a fool to think that I really have much of a shot here...or that anyone on these boards can tell me definitively whether I'll be accepted (though I know which way the bets would go).</p>

<p>And yeah - I'm sure they accept very few 3.4s, if any, but I'm clinging to whatever I can think of, understand? Actually, the only school to which I'm applying that I think I have any real shot at is Gallatin at NYU. But I guess we'll see in May. </p>

<p>Thanks for all the replies!</p>

<p>where did you apply to besides NYU and penn?</p>

<p>Georgetown, Barnard, UChicago. Don't laugh. (Though I do, maniacally, before or after I consider throwing myself in front of a bus. Kidding. Sort of.)</p>

<p>I wouldn't laugh. I have high goals set for myself as well despite a very bad experience that I'm sure will limit my chances. (I was suspended for underage drinking and possesing drug peraphernalia at my first college--dont laugh) so I am feeling quite a bit of the same fears as yourself I'm sure for much different reasons.</p>

<p>man, do I feel ashamed posting that on CC!</p>