Has anyone ever known someone to get a 200-300?

<p>There was this kid at my school last year who wouldn't stop gloating about how easy he thought the SAT's were, only to get an 880......M+Cr+W. </p>

<p>I know it's incredibly cruel to talk about a person's scores, but he was pretty obnoxious, has anyone heard of people getting similar scores?</p>

<p>^Are you joking? That is absolutely ridiculous. That’s like…300-300-280 :O…
Did he put C for every question?..</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA! I love it! Lots of kids I know…“The SAT math is soooo easy” or “the reading was EASY stuff!!!” </p>

<p>…then they get high 400’s to low 600’s. </p>

<p>The lowest score in my school that I’ve heard of was an 1100 – but the girl’s a total moron.</p>

<p>Wow… I feel bad for that kid. Yea I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything as low as 880. The lowest at my school was also mid 1100’s.</p>

<p>There are a group of persons who have scored 200/200/200 on the SAT. They all belong to a group of test-takers (some are full professors) who take the test with the intent to get the lowest score possible. To do so requires you to be “perfect” at answering every question wrong as just leaving things blank will give you a score above 200 in a section. It is harder to do than to get a 2400.</p>

<p>Well, If you’re good enough to get a 2400, then that would mean that you pretty much know all the right answers, making it quite easy to put a wrong answer so I wouldn’t say it’s harder…</p>

<p>Not correct, you can get a few wrong and still get a 2400. Not so for a 200 where you must get every answer wrong. Those who attempt often have to do it more than once to get there because they will take a test and get one answer correct and not hit the magic 200 number.</p>

<p>I’ve looked at a few scoring curves, the ones they provide in the Princeton Review books, and I thought you could get a few right and still hit a 200. I think most negative scores equate to around a 200, and you can get 2 or 3 correct and still maintain a negative score.</p>

<p>That sucks. I feel bad for these people.</p>

<p>Honestly, you need to TRY to get the lowest score on the SAT.</p>


Incorrect. You could probably just get like 10 or so wrong and leave the rest blank for the 200. You definitely don’t need all of them wrong. (Besides, it’s easier to choose a blatantly wrong answer than to identify the correct one, in most cases.)</p>

<p>getting a composite of 600 is not harder than getting a 2400. it does require a negative raw score but it definitely doesn’t require that you answer every question incorrectly. 600’s are uncommon simply because hardly anyone tries to see how badly they can do on the SAT, not because it’s a difficult score to achieve.</p>

<p>I actually scored a 380 in Math on the older version of the SAT in the mid 1970s.</p>

<p>And graduated from a public Ivy and was accepted into a doctoral program at a top 25 university – not in Math.</p>

<p>A kid I know got a 330 in CR but over a 700 on math</p>

<p>I know a kid who got an 840. I dont really know the score breakdown but it was even more embarrasing that he was a senior in honors classes… They had to reexamine his courseload afterwards…</p>

<p>dude even the “gangsters” at my school done better. the two that i talked to got a 1180 and the other got 1310. wow…</p>

<p>@ LindaCarmichael, what’s a “public Ivy”? And, yikes! 380 math? How did you do in your math courses in school?</p>

<p>Actually, it is harder to score a 2400…just use your logic…</p>

<p>2400 = 1/5 chance of getting a problem right…
200 = 4/5 chance…usually you can eliminate at least 1 WRONG answer on the test</p>


<p>200’s fail</p>

<p>=P Jk</p>

<p>Yeah. I can guarantee you that I could get a 200/section. I make no such guarantee for an 800. </p>

<p>2400 is MUCH harder than a 600.</p>

<p>It’s normal in my school is anything from an 800-1100, sometime we get up to 1400’s… that M+CR only tho…</p>