Has anything replaced Furby???

<p>Furby DIED. :( Is there anything new and adorably obnoxious that has replaced the cute furry animal with BIG EYES and a BIG BEAK? And that yawns? <em>squeals!</em></p>

<p>Ka wai lo koko</p>

<p>the bird on the froot loops cereal (:
big bird?
the dead skele bird from pirates of the caribbean?
and omg furby. i used to have her shoes and they lit up when i walked.
ferreal the shizz.</p>

<p>Furby SHOES?!?!?!?!?</p>

<p>Furby SOCKS</p>

<p>i still remember furby when she was on them mickie dee’s commericals n shiz.</p>

<p>Is there a Furby in Chinese?!?!?!???</p>

<p>I’m sure you could find one.</p>

<p>Why the hell were those things so popular back then? I couldn’t stand them when I was a kid.</p>

<p>OMG, OP, do you think there’s a Furby that speaks Aramaic? It could be like, JESUS FURBY</p>