I submitted the part 1 of my application about 2 weeks ago. I was told that I maybe contacted by an EC in 1 week IF there is one available. I know not everyone gets interviewed. I am just wondering if anyone knows whether the process started or not?
It has started. I interviewed a student already. How quickly you get one scheduled depends on a few factors. Don’t worry. You’ll get an interview and if not, that won’t count against you at all.
Thanks for response! I know if I don’t get interviewed it will not hold against me. On the other hand though I know the interview can help because I spoke to one of the ECs are the RSVP and they mentioned its one of the good factors. I think if I get interviewed that can help my application more.
I know there are ECs nearby because when I went to the RSVP, there were several in about 30 mins drive time (not sure whats the “limit distance” for ECs) so I think I’ll get it in few days…
I submitted Part 1 a couple of days ago. If I understand correctly, interviewers contact applicants through email instead of the other way around I believe? Also, are we normally contacted after Parts 1 and 2 are submitted, or just Part 1?
Yep interviewers contact through emails mainly from my knowledge. When I asked the Alumni of mit at rsvp when do they usually contact, they told me after you submit part 1. Not sure if fee waivers or part 2 has any affect on it?
Interviewers are asked to contact applicants after Parts 1 and 2 are submitted but can do so if only Part 1 has been submitted. That’s up to them. I have a number of applicants on my list, all with Parts 1 submitted, but I’ve contacted only the two with both parts submitted—and I have an interview scheduled! So don’t be surprised if they only contact you after both parts are submitted.
Edit: Oh, and this year they are suggesting a text might be a good idea in addition to an email. Still thinking about that myself…