<p>No, really, I have found some useful information about different schools that’s been quite helpful in deciding if I really want to attend or not. College guides and brochures certainly can’t cover everything. I’ve also found some potentially helpful scholarship websites (we’ll see if anything comes of it).</p>
<p>CC has helped me a lot. I’m considering transferring so being able to come here and look for feedback of various colleges has been very helpful in my search for a better “fit” for me. I’ve found the posters on this site tend to be more focused, more informed, and the overall level of discussion is higher than at other college forums.</p>
<p>It has served as a resource for networking with other individuals who will likely be part of my cohort (graduate school) next year. I have learned of certain interesting projects and research programs that are not available from the (often times out of date) department websites. I have also gotten a feel for the general character of certain institutions from people who are actually involved. Overall, I would say that CC has been of tremendous value to me in my admissions process.</p>
<p>Even before I signed up as a member and starting with my own threads, CC helped me get acquainted with the process of applying, what’s most important when applying, and most importantly, what I was looking for in a school. It helped me create a temporary list, get a better understanding of a number of particular majors, and was even a reality check: not all kids with phenomenal states get into the top schools.
And perhaps most of all… it has been one of THE best procrastinating tools ever… =)</p>