Has this happened to you?

<p>Tell us about your situation!</p>

<p>A. A class whose topic is interesting, but the teacher makes it awful.</p>

<p>B. A class whose topic is awful, but the teacher makes it interesting.</p>


<p>A. Economics Honors. The teacher taught from the book and asked students for help.</p>

<p>B. US History Pt. 2 Honors. History is boring, but this teacher was the man.</p>

<p>A. AP Statistics. I love math, but the teacher sucked at teaching and I could barely stay awake half the time…</p>

<p>B. AP English Lit - I usually hate english, but i LOVEEEEEEEE my teacher!!!1</p>

<p>A. My honors american literature (english) destroys the class. Something happended to her in the past and mentally scared her. I am serious. She is very sexist, which she openly admits. Her idea of grading is if she agrees with your thesis or not, not how you proved or provided evidence for proving. She even killed the transcedentalism unit! I was looking foward to that all year! Worst part, I have her for a hour and a half each day!</p>

<p>A. art and craft of film. we watched movies all class, it should be fun, right? wrong. that was the most painful class ive ever had. the room was already freezing (everyone wore their coats during class in the middle of winter and it was still too cold), the desks were so small that i could barely sit in them, and the teacher played 15 minutes of a movie after explaining to us what a film set was for 20.</p>

one day in art we watched the most boring movie ever… it was about a pottery wheel</p>

<p>A. Every history class i’ve ever taken, also same with English. </p>

<p>B. Honestly, Latin. I hate the Romen history aspect, but my teacher makes it cool.</p>

<p>haha, art and craft of film is one class, i have never taken an art class i didnt like :)</p>

<p>I will never take an art class thank god. Yay for computer graphics!</p>

<p>wha>!>!> how can you not like art classes?! theyre so relaxing! what could be nicer than listening to music and working with your hands for an hour and a half every day</p>

<p>I refuse to take an art class in high school. Maybe college, but that’s only a small maybe</p>

<p>you have to to graduate at my school, which is sorta the worst cos then you have a bunch of kids who just have to be there and dont want to be. this is possibly what ruined the photo classes. only 5 people in my class even owned cameras</p>

<p>I think I’m going to take photography in college. </p>

<p>We just have to have a humanitarian credit here…that includes music, languages, art, etc.</p>

<p>Yeah I think its NJ law.</p>

<p>That’s why I’m taking computer graphics at CC.</p>

<p>we have languages, practical arts (sewing, cooking, bsing), and fine arts (music and va) all counted differently. 1 semester of each practical arts and fine arts and 2 years of language</p>

<p>Wow. I’m sorry. So you HAD to take sewing? I’d die. I hate sewing.</p>

<p>i rule at sewing, i just hated it cos it was a huge waste of time. im gonna see about independent studying cooking…maybe do veg cooking? or french desserts? anything to get me out of connivence foods (class, this is a microwave…)</p>

<p>Wow. Do you go to a private school, or is this some messed up public school theory?</p>

<p>nj public schools. whats good graduation requirements!?!!</p>

<p>I had to take Life Skills. Worst quarter of my life. Like learning how sow a pincushion and making English muffin pizzas will ever teach me anything in life</p>

<p>My requirements are 2 Humanitarians, 2 PE, 1 Tech, and the normal so man years of math/science/english/history…</p>

<p>I hate the concept of forcing students into tenn life classes.</p>