<p>Hey guys,have you ever cheated on a test ;]
I dont remember my first cheating ,but i remember the last one.I had to write an essay about the feodalism in EUrope and i had the whole essay on my mobile phone.I just rewrote it .When the teacher asked me why i was staring at the phone,i simply said :''i am worried about the time remaining '' I got '6' which is the best grade in my country .'2' is the poorest and '3' is the lowest positive,</p>
<p>I have a couple of times on multiple choice questions.</p>
<p>Where did you get the correct answer from ? :}</p>
<p>Just from glancing at the person sitting next to or in front of me. I also make sure that it's a smart person, lol.</p>
<p>I have cheated a couple times in middle school, but I haven't cheated much since then and don't cheat much.</p>
<p>It probably has to do with the fact that I don't consider grades and tests important enough to take some effort into cheating (as I couldn't care less if I got a C on a test or anything, it isn't a big deal for me), it's not worth it and I'm too lazy to cheat. </p>
<p>That's probably my reason for not cheating instead of the "I feel so...guilty on the inside! I'm so righteous!" type of sentiment.</p>
<p>If copying homework is considered cheating, then yes I have. If not then no I haven't. Now I've helped many people cheat on tests, so they didn't have to go to summer school.</p>
<p>I was in The US on a student exchange program in San Francisco and no one even tried to cheat .I just think the students were too afraid of the teacher.</p>
<p>^You just think that Americans don't cheat. We're actually just a lot sneakier lol.</p>
<p>Well I'm not a saint.....</p>
<p>Heh, I remember my senior year I decided to be lazy and not take AP Econ. I got to be pretty good friends with the teacher of the standard econ class, and one day he showed me a grade distribution based on how far away people sat from me. I was in the front right corner and you could see an obvious decline in the test scores as you got two and three seats away from me! I like to think it was because I'd talk with the other guys near me and explain concepts they didn't understand to them, but he told me to start doing a better job covering up my answers a little better just in case. :(</p>
<p>Only time I can really think of "cheating" is where a teacher accidentally wrote down my test score in his grade book as an 86 instead of a 68. Heh, still haven't learned all my state capitals since I got a high enough grade not to retake the test. >_></p>
<p>Neverrr. Honestly. </p>
<p>I'd much rather get a poor grade on my own merit than a good one that I don't deserve.</p>
<p>I remember one time, in the second or third grade I think, we had this spelling test, and I brought a cheat sheet thing that I hid under the lid of my desk and looked off of.</p>
<p>Haven't really done it since then though...</p>
<p>That rather depressing you take pride in the fact you cheat. As in, really depressing.</p>
<p>I never cheat, to address the main point.</p>
<p>Actually,the teacher in San Francisco told the students that if anyone is caught cheating,he/she won`t get highschool diploma :D</p>
<p>People on CC cheating?!?!</p>
<p>I actually have never cheated.</p>
<p>SO,does this fact make you smarter.No one can succeed in life without even a 0.0001 % of cheating ..</p>
<p>sorry if i sound kinda mean, but at my school the only people who haven't cheated are the most introverted and anti-social people i have come across.</p>
<p>maybe its just the nature of my school (cheating is very common).</p>
No one can succeed in life without even a 0.0001 % of cheating ..
This is a completely and utterly absurd, not to mention flat out wrong, statement.</p>
<p>Cheating comes in many, many forms and in subtle ways that some of you may not think of as cheating. I find it hard to believe, and I'm 99.99% sure everyone's "cheated" a couple times, in some form and some less degree, let alone once in their lives.</p>
I'd much rather get a poor grade on my own merit than a good one that I don't deserve.
Well isn't this so admirable..;)</p>