<p>Okay. I am so fed up with Hereford College treating the Malone students like an indentured colony that I am bagging my UVA parent blog: <a href="http://uvaparent.blogspot.com/%5B/url%5D">http://uvaparent.blogspot.com/</a> I just got my new bill from UVA wherein I get to pay an extra $60 dollars a semester plus an extra $60 for Hereford meal plan even though my DS goes to Malone which gets zilch from Hereford. Just take a quick link to Hereford's web site and you will see that they don't even acknowledge Malone, althought they do take $120 a semester or $240 a year from the pitiful Malone drones. My DS has given up on their lackadaskaikal "representatives" and is just voting with his feet (and that of 5 other Malone rebels) to go to BICE next year.</p>
<p>So everybody appears to be copasetic with Hereford just taking all and giving nothing to Malone. I got zero parents responses from my last post. Guess my DS is right that there is nothing you can do except leave Hereford to its loser members and count the $240 as affirmative action.</p>