<p>Went to CAS orientation and was really (what's the word?) HORRIFIED when I saw the wacky small single closet in my double room. Now going from my over-stuffed walk-in to a little "grab n go" closet was gonna take a lot of editing and clutter control...but having to SHARE one tiny closet (that my kid brother couldn't even fit his hoodie collection into????) with a roomate?</p>
<p>What's with the closet situation? The room that adjoined the bath had what looked like a huge walk in closet...but with no rods or racks...PLUS the small closet...what's the deal there?? What's the story with that mini-room</p>
<p>Upper classman have any insight or suggestions? </p>
<p>I know it's not lots of people's idea of an issue...but I'm guessing, I'm not the only one on CC freaked about having to share an itty bitty closet with a stranger</p>
<p>I shared a small closet in Rubin with another girl and it worked out fine. Just, you know, put stuff in drawers (your hoodies do NOT need to be hung up) and put coats and dresses and suits in the closet. Also, those underbed plastic things are great. If you plan on going home during the year, just rotate out summer clothes once it gets cold and so on.</p>
<p>OHMYGAWD perhaps you might consider getting rid of some of your clothes or not bringing your entire collection with you? not to mention nyu's dorms are a lot better than most college/boarding school dorms. you'll live, or find a new way to deal with it.</p>
<p>... people need to stop making such ambiguous titles, I thought this was referring to Hayden having a large number of closeted people. But yes, just don't bring all your clothes.</p>
<p>Yup, no choice I guess. I spent the last four summers at various campus's living in the dorms, and I was not impressed with Haydens rooms in comparison (at least this configuration). Communal baths might suck, but you don't have to wait for a shower or toilet and they're always clean.</p>
<p>I guess it's a crap shoot. Most Hayden rooms are doubles with their own bath? but some are doubles that share a bath (four in a bath instead of two) Some have giant walk in spaces/alcoves...others share a tiny closet (make fun of me, (I deserve it), like it or not it's a main selling point in selling any kind of space </p>
<p>Once you get your assignment, is there anyway to tell what your configuration is like? WILL swap your toilet scrubbbing for closet space...</p>
<p>Don't worry Salem, I have seen posts where people chose a dorm based on proximity to Starbucks, distance from the gym, easiest to sign in overnight guests more than 6 times a month, and biggest party dorm.</p>
<p>A lot of people think these are ridiculous factors when choosing a dorm.</p>
<p>I think if your'e attending a $50,000 a year university, you should have a 2 by 4 foot space with a door to call your own. And who wants one more thing to argue with a room mate over?</p>
<p>Haven't gotten the assignment yet, but the Early decision kids get dibs and it was my first choice. Still don't think it's a deal breaker, cause the location is really great and it has it's own cafeteria (nice on rainy days). Just a little disappointing.</p>
<p>I think it's the disparity within the building that ticks me off. That you can pay the same amount and have to share a bath with another room, and have no closet to boot. But I guess the same goes for views n such. SOmeone said the least desirable rooms have the best views...I can shove my shoes under the bed for a 24/7 glimpse at the empire state!</p>
<p>I think it's the disparity within the building that ticks me off. <-this is why NYU students are so unhappy with housing. It's not that the rooms are that bad, it's that you always feel like someone got a better deal. If they were all equally crappy, at least it would be something to bond over XD</p>
<p>lol. it was funny to see how people were complaining so much about hayden, despite the great things they heard from it. </p>
<p>i chose brittany but i never got to see what it was like. i was talking to this girl who got into goddard but she didn't like the idea of living with more than 1 person...is that the case with all goddard rooms? 4 people?</p>
<p>Anyway of knowing what layout you got? I thought once I saw an internet or CC post with the various number confgurations (which are pretty consistant from floor to fllor) So say if you got a #12 room it would have this floor plan. At least that way you won't be disappointed on move in day (you'll see it coming) and can perhaps plan accordingly</p>
<p>some hayden rooms have multiple closets. my friends double on the seventh floor had four closets (no joke). one of them was pretty small, the rest were decent.</p>