health records

<p>Is it suggested that we place a call to follow up-verify that Health Insurance and immunizarion records that were mailed or faxed were recieved? Or would this make the Health office crazy with calls? ( i know it is a must to register) Just wondering what others had done.</p>

<p>I called after faxing the records for our S. You're supposed to wait an hour, I think, before you call, and I did. The people there were extremely nice. The fax had not yet been logged in, but I was promised a call when it was. Sure enough, on Friday afternoon at 4:45 I received a call that everything was in order. </p>

<p>I think they really mean it when they ask you to call and verify receipt.</p>

<p>hi - just to update i called the number on the form and a message provided instructions to log in and verify online. Since I dont have my son's log in info I asked him to log on and verify ...(now just waiting for him to do so)</p>

<p>I recommend calling as they suggest as well. Better to confirm that all is in order early than to have to deal with a registration stop of some kind later.</p>

<p>D is on now, where does she verify?</p>

<p>Here is what D learned....If you go on to Secure Apps and go to registration stops, look for a warning about health forms not being complete. If you get a message that says "there is a problem with your account, please call the registrar's office," and you call the number listed, that apparently means nothing. If you cal,l they tell you that this message will remain until you actually register at the time of orientation. It apparently has nothing to do with the health forms. It is confusing. </p>

<p>Anyone else have that? D found no "warnings" and the above message under "stops" and called the registrar and the health office to be sure. Her health forms had been received and the registrar said there was no problem.</p>

<p>Make sure in addition to the immunization/health records being sent in, you also complete the online waiver showing proof of health insurance (or purchase the FSU student health insurance). </p>

<p>Both must be done (immunization/health record form and proof of insurance waiver) before orientation or the student will not be able to register.</p>

<p>There are directions at <a href=""&gt;;/a> in the pre-orientation section or at <a href=""&gt;;/a> under the immunization link.</p>