<p>Okay so I planning on applying to the Health Science Honors Program at UT Austin when the new application comes out, but while looking at the old one I found something that I had a few questions about. </p>
<p>On page 5, you have to write a couple of short answer essays. </p>
<p>One of them says: "Describe a time when you invented, created, discovered or proved something in science or mathematics."</p>
<p>What would I write for something like this? I haven't created or discovered anything, so I know I wouldn't go that route. However, how would I go about discovering or proving something? Do they mean something you've discovered while researching on the internet or going to an actual lab and doing research?</p>
<p>It could be somthing as simply as discovering why a formula works in physics or math and why something clicked for you the way it did It could be an idea you created to help you understand a concept in a class that was difficult. They want to see you as somebody interested in the world-- somebody who investigates and challenges.</p>
<p>For the application last year, we didn’t have to write any essays like that. I just had to do a short answer about why UT along with the five sentences. If there is a question like that than an answer that can relate to a time when you volunteered at a hospital (if applicable) and discovered something about the sciences or medicine in general would work also. They don’t expect every student to have had research experience just be creative with your answer.</p>
<p>I spent time figuring something out and finally wrote my essay for that on Google Docs for the last application so I could just copy & paste on the day it went up…and then the essay wasn’t even on there!! I think that sample is very outdated, the application took me less than 10 minutes.</p>