UT CNS Honors Application

<p>I have applied to the College of Natural Sciences Honors program, and I noticed that it did not ask me for an essay.</p>

<p>I saw that in previous years, there were essays like "Describe a time when you invented, created, discovered or proved something in science or mathematics" and "Explain a belief you accepted at some point in your life but have rejected on the basis of a rational process." In the online application, there were no such essay requirements.</p>

<p>Is that it? Or was there a glitch?</p>

<p>You did had an essay :slight_smile:
Do you remember the questions below? Those are your 2 essays; one short(100 words) and one longer (1000 words)
Briefly describe any educational and career goals you have beyond earning your Bachelor’s degree.
Please limit your response to no more than 100 words.</p>

Please write five sentences describing yourself, your life, and your experiences that form an accurate portrayal of who you are. Do not list information provided in your r</p>

<p>One is 100 words or less and the other is 1000 characters or less, so they are similar in length (Both short).</p>

<p>In the past, they had two long essays in addition to those two short essays.</p>

<p>I don’t think there was a big essay like the previous years. Unfortunately, I assumed that, like the admissions essays, they would be the same so i DID the previous essay and had it ready…only to find out that I didn’t have to do it. :/</p>

<p>Oh and MissNala the one essay wasn’t long, it was 1000 characters, not 1000 words.</p>

<p>Ju2013, Sorry, you are right 1000 characters :-)</p>