<p>cons: It’s pretty far away, and not really central to the rest of the dorm area
there’s a loooot of stairs to get there. Try counting all the steps to get there some day =)
It is a bit old, but not much older than the other residence halls. Dystra being the oldest, but they’ve cleaned up that one a bit. </p>
<p>pros: It’s far away from the rest of campus
You get a nice view from the top of the hill
It’s one of the last stops for the campus shuttle before heading to campus, so you don’t have to walk all the time
It’s fairly close to the sunset rec center</p>
<p>@areucool1234 lol, TRK is right, there are 1100 freshmen living in Hedrick, and all of us would rather live in Sproul. Should we all submit CARs? </p>
<p>Far away /= dreadful. Walking never killed anybody, except that one guy.</p>
<p>Hedrick was the best experience of UCLA. Stop whining and grow a pair. It’s not going to be glamorous or super spacious, but you didn’t go to college to live like a rock star. It’s very social, full of freshman who haven’t really formed their groups yet. It’s tight living, but it’s very doable.</p>
<p>Just walk up the hill, but Sproul is undoubtly better due to its proximity and new renovations. Try the CAR, but it’s doubtful unless you have a medical reason.</p>