Hell Year Scheduling?

<p>So I have to schedule classes for Junior Year soon T_T I'm in a bind and would like to seek some advice. I have 7 classes (minus lunch & gym)...</p>

<p>English: No idea whether to do AP Lang/Comp or English III H. I feel like I'm good at English, but have bad luck with teachers. I've had a conception that AP Lang/Comp is so much work, but some people are now telling me its less work than Honors. So yeah, I have no idea what to do.</p>

<p>Math: AP Calc BC, pretty much no question there.</p>

<p>Science: I have a lot of options. I could either do AP Chem (which needs a study hall for lab periods), which I have heard nothing about (but the posts at CC make it sound hard), AP Physics B (which also needs a study hall for lab periods), which I have heard nothing about either, AP Enviro (doesn't need a study hall, since the lab comes out of gym) and is supposed to be pretty chill, or just Physics H for a pretty strong physics base before going into an AP Science. Any suggestions since I have four options here?</p>

<p>Social Studies: APUSH II, no question there.</p>

<p>Latin: AP Latin: Vergil, no question there.</p>

<p>Electives: I have 2 elective periods, and I know I can't ask you guys what electives to take, but I'm wondering if I should take part in an additional AP (something like Psych, Macro, Micro, etc.), or if I should just do some regular electives that I enjoy and can have some downtime in throughout the day. I do varsity track (winter and spring), and also run cross country in the fall, involved in a few clubs, and will probably have to be ready to schedule tutoring sessions (as a duty for being in National Honors Society & Latin Honors Society, assuming I get inducted into both), just to give some insight into what extracurriculars I have on my plate. Any suggestions for the English, Science, and Electives?</p>

<p>Woah, wut? OP isn’t showing up. Error on my part?</p>

<p>I can see it, but that might just be me o_o</p>

<p>I see it, but unfortunately, I can’t help you…because your school has so many choices compared to mine…Do some research on the classes first and then choose?</p>

<p>AP comp+ lang is all about language. diction, syntax, and rhetoric devices 24/7. APES is super chill, believe what youve heard. you could do AP sciences and then take real electives? what do you want to do with your life, what are your interests? its hard to know what is right for you without knowing you.</p>

<p>I’m taking AP comp/lang and I’m really glad that I am because its improved my writing so much (which will be helpful next year for apps)
As for science, you should probably look at what your interested in doing in the long run…</p>

<p>Good on taking Latin AP. I decided to start all over with French 1 in 10th grade (my school requires 3 years of Latin, going through 9th) and I regret it more than almost anything.</p>

<p>I’d go with Chem AP. Chem is generally considered a lot easier than Physics, even Physics B. Since you’re already taken a hard math course (Calc), I’d wait on Physics.</p>

<p>I’d definitely take English AP. It’s a relatively easy AP. Honors English varies from school to school but here, my friend who takes it really wishes she had taken AP. </p>

<p>Most juniors at my school take AP Econ (Macro and micro are taught as one year long course). And an awful lot take Human Geography AP. HG is very easy, Econ is harder. Right now, I’m taking AP Art History and AP Human Geography. I’d recommend Art History to anyone, but maybe your school doesn’t have it. At my school, all the AP social studies courses are basically amazing, everyone does very well on the tests, so people just cram in as many as they possibly can. They’re all enjoyable, so go with your interests. You seem like a math/science person, so you’d probably like Econ the most. Again, I don’t know what your school has, but since Econ is harder, I’d match it with an easier course. Psych is pretty easy.</p>

<p>It depends a lot on the teachers at your school. One of the previous posters noted that in his school AP Chem is easier than Physics B. At our school, Chem is MUCH harder than Phys B.</p>

<p>Get feedback from kids who’ve already taken the classes so you know what kind of workload to expect and adjust accordingly.</p>

<p>APUSH II? That’s interesting. At my school, we just have APUSH… and that’s about it. </p>

<p>The English AP test is not bad. The class itself varies from teacher to teacher. I took AP English Language as a junior and I liked it. There was a good amount of work but I felt like I learned plenty. Then I took AP Literature. It could be the teacher or the content, but that class just feels so thankless and unrewarding in comparison. </p>

<p>AP Enviro doesn’t sound useful. AP Chem is versatile credit because I think almost everybody takes Chemistry in college. AP Physics is nice to have if you’re planning to go into engineering. I think you could try Physics H first, although you are talking Calc as a junior. That means you might be bright enough to handle AP Calc and AP Physics at the same time (a lot of people I know are doing this right now). I really wish I had done this before taking AP Bio, but maybe you could get your hands on the course books and see what the material is actually like.</p>

<p>Just take the hardest schedule possible and work hard to get A’s.</p>

<p>Lol @ Latin Vergil…good luck! Though I took it straight out of Latin I, so maybe it’s not that bad ;]</p>