Hello everyone.

<p>I am called Jane-Francis, a Cameroonian aged 21. I just completed a 3 yrs program in Banking and Finance and will love to enroll at any good and affordable university in the U.S for my MBA. Hope you guys will be willing to help me. I have a GPA of 2.85. Thanks</p>

<p>I am not sure whether any of my information will be useful since I know a lot more about attending colleges than attending graduate schools. However, the most affordable universities are usually the ones closest to where you live in the united states. Public community colleges/universities are usually your best bet if you want to save money. Telling us what state you live in would help in guiding you towards the best public universities near you. However, the “better” (more prestigious) universities are usually rather difficult to get accepted to. Since you told us your gpa, I am sure that we can help you.</p>