Hello! What are my chances of getting into Virginia Tech. (I hope yall are staying safe and sound)

I’m Brazilian, moved to Virginia a few months before I began 9th. I’m in 11th grade now (rising Senior), Graduating with Advanced Diploma and IBCP (IB Career Path) Diploma.

Junior Year Schedule:
IB Personal Professional Skills: A
Discrete Math: B
English 11: A-
Entrepreneurship Dual Enrollment: B+
USVA Honors (History): B
Spanish 1: A-
IB Physics: B

Cumulative GPA : 3.67 (I’m 100% sure I can raise it to at least a 3.79 cumulative by the end of this school year)


  • Robotics club- Freshmen year
  • Civil Air Patrol- I’ve been frequenting as a guest since late freshmen year, I had trouble becoming a member since I’m not a U.S. citizen yet. I became an official member last month.
  • Lawn mowing in the first summer I was here
  • Lifeguard: 3 years of experience working for 3 different companies.
  • School Ambassador: I give tours, watch over and advise new kids moving from another school or country.
  • Working on a business idea i have.
  • Certificate of Scholarship
  • Certified Inventor user (Computer aided design software, I took a test to become certified in my Design and Tech class)

My SAT score is 1110, I’m sure I can raise it! And does Early Decision tend to increase admission chances? Thank You SOOOO much!!! And remember to wash your hands! Stay safee :smiley:

Yes you are going to want to do Early Decision if Virginia Tech is your #1 school. Work at getting that SAT up (although you don’t have to submit this year - a real good one can do nothing but help).

What major are you considering - engineering may be a bit of a stretch?

I’m considering Engineering! :slight_smile:

Or would it be better apply as undecided, explore other majors and then transfer to engineering? Or does that tend to be more challenging?

It is very difficult to transfer into engineering. It can be done but you have to have really high grades you first year.

Honestly - B’s in math and physics aren’t looking too good for getting in VT engineering. If you really want engineering you may want to be sure to apply other schools as well.

I got in dude! I applied as Early Decision, didn’t even have to submit my SAT scores and didn’t even listen all of the activities I listed, I think my essay was a great factor

Hi! Congratulations! Do you have any tips on writing the essays? Did you have any help (professional) with them? Thank you!