<p>I was wondering if bad AP scores would hurt my chances of getting into an ivy league college. I'm going to be a junior this year... I have a 4.4 GPA (4.0 unweighted). I am involved in Spanish, Debate (Treasurer), FBLA (President), and Ski Club. I am also involved in the National Honor Society and National Society of High School Scholars. I just finished a summer program at Northeastern University including an internship. In addition, this summer, I plan on attending the UPenn LEAD program and volunteering in Spain to teach kids English. I also have over 300 hours of community service and am taking all Honors and AP courses next year. I ran CC, Indoor Track, and Outdoor Track Freshman year. I ran CC, Indoor Track, and played Varsity Tennis this year. Next year I plan on running CC and playing Varsity Tennis again. I also taught tennis lessons during the summer and plan on getting a job during the winter. Unfortunately, I've only taken 1 AP course so far (AP US) and got a 2 on the exam and a 520 on the SATII. Will these scores hurt my chances for getting in the ivy league colleges because I was stupid and already sent them to three and can't cancel them now??? Please HELP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I was looking at the Emory Application and it doesn't have a place to put AP scores, so should I send them seperately or what?!</p>
<p>They do not even see your SAT scores when they are evaluating your app. Subject tests they do see however, so that could hurt you, but one score wont be kill you most likely. you do not have to send your ap scores.</p>
<p>I don’t know what GreenDay means when saying Emory doesn’t see your SAT scores. Of course the do, it’s required (or the ACT). That’s a huge part of the application. Also, they don’t require Subject SATs, so your score wont hurt you. I talked to an Emory admissions counselor and she said Subject SATs can’t hurt you, only enhance your app. </p>
<p>Your AP scores should be on your transcripts; you don’t send them. They probably will wonder why such an ace student failed the test, but hopefully the rest of your app makes up for it.</p>
<p>haha im an idiot sorry i meant to say AP scores not SAT scores</p>