<p>Here goes...</p>
<p>I'm a high school junior tentatively looking at Ohio State's Honors program, majoring in some biological science. I hope to go on to med school, so my undergraduate GPA is pretty important (classes can't be toooo hard). Since OSU is pretty much the only college I've looked at, and since I'm all but positive that I could get in if I had to, I was hoping that you, the CCers, could offer some suggestions of more "reachy" colleges that fit my stats and career goals. Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Current Rank 3/351</p>
<p>Current GPA 3.98</p>
<p>Standardized Test Scores
English/Essay-30 (Yeah... I suck at timed writing)</p>
Critical Reading-680
<p>Schedules of Classes
Honors Physical Science: A+
Honors Algebra II: A+
Spanish II: A
Intro. to Media / Health: A / A
English 9: A-
World Studies: A</p>
Honors Biology: A+
Precalculus: A+
Spanish III: A+
Newspaper Production I: A
Honors English 10: A+
U.S. History: A+</p>
Chemistry C.P.: A+
Physics I: A+
A.P. Calculus B.C.: A+
Spanish IV: A+
Newspaper Production II: A
Honors American Literature / Expository and Research Writing: A+ / A+</p>
<p>Senior Schedule (Tentative)
Honors Chemistry
A.P. Biology
College Math (Not sure which, yet)
Newspaper Production III
A.P. English Language
American Government / Economics
Graphic Arts I and II</p>
<p>**Extracurricular Activities<a href="Pretty%20pathetic">/B</a>
Staff writer and page editor for nationally-recognized high school newspaper
First baseman and pitcher for high school baseball team
Played baseball year-round for numerous years (seasons during spring, summer, and fall; conditioning in winter)</p>
Tutor peers in math under direction of the math teacher I have had for all three years of high school
Helped build a pave-stone patio behind one of the area baseball diamonds</p>
Summer 2007-Moved around my dad's work for about one hour per week
Summer 2009-Will have participated in the Cleveland Clinic's Summer Science Internship Program as a research assistant, working 40 hours per week</p>
<p>There you have it. I hope you can help! Don't forget to post a link to your own thread...</p>