Help: Accepted at Cornell, rejected at TAMU

<p>Hey guys,
I was admitted into Cornell this morning. I'm in shock. After receiving PSA at A&M last week, I thought I was pretty much screwed. I'm sure I'll attend Cornell, but I still want to go to A&M. TAMU was really my dream school. How do I deal with this kind of "sorrow" I feel? It feels really weird knowing that I was denied admission from TAMU. Everyone around me seems to have forgotten how bad I really wanted to be an Aggie, and now they keep telling me how proud they are of me for getting into Cornell. I still feel like a looser. Help?</p>

<p>Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The admissions counselor at Cornell must have loved your application, while the admissions counselor at TAMU must have thought it sub-standard. Good for you on getting accepted to Cornell, it’s a wonderful school. I’m sorry its not your dream school, but I’m sure you’ll excel at Cornell just as you would have at TAMU. Best of luck to you, and congratulations!</p>

<p>Could you elaborate why A&M is your “dream school?”</p>

<p>Seriously, you got accepted to an ivy league! =]</p>

<p>I believe the Ivies release their decisions on the 28th of March.</p>

<p>A&M is a fantastic school. I’ve never visited Cornell so I don’t really know much about it.</p>

<p>perazziman: I got my “Likely letter” today, and my online portal had some changes. I called admissions and they said I’m pretty much in.</p>

<p>Just when I thought no amount of whining could suprise me. Congrats, you did it.</p>

<p>Chouter, have you visited Cornell? If not, I suggest a visit might chase away your blues!</p>

<p>What college at Cornell did you apply to?</p>

<p>Auto admit rule makes it harder even for in state students that not in the top 10%. I wouldn’t worry about Texas A&M now.Even if it was your dream school, it shouldn’t be now. Start making plans for your new life at New York.</p>

<p>You seriously need to get a grip & get over TAMU. It’s like saying “I just got accepted into the 15th ranked school in the nation, but I’m so depressed I didn’t get accepted into the 65th ranked.”</p>

<p>Want to trade acceptance letters?</p>

<p>Congrats chouter21 for getting into Cornell! Cornell is an excellent school. My dad graduated from Cornell University as a Cell Biology Major in the College of Agriculture-Life Sciences in 1992 and came to Baylor College of Medicine for medical school. Sometimes we never expect what would happen, it is destiny. When I was a junior in high school, I heavily considered all the Ivies and was extremely close to applying to Harvard and Cornell. The only ivy I applied to in senior year was Columbia, but got rejected from Columbia. But destiny ended me up at Texas A&M, and I am very happy here. Anyways, consider taking a visit to Cornell and maybe you decide that you want to be a Cornellian. Congrats and I wish you best of luck in your future! :)</p>

<p>You lucky son of a gun.</p>

<p>Seriously…you feel like a loser? Come on. Kids on here would kill for your spot. A spot which you don’t seem to realize the gravity of having. I honestly have never heard of the academic or athletic superiority of TAMU. You do sound rather inconsiderate, regardless if this is how you feel or not. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I’m sure your must value “happiness” over success, as well. Ugh.</p>

<p>Hold on! Ease up on chouter! We don’t know the reasons. Plus, depending on which major, TAMU is NOT 65th in the nation. While I agree with the notion that chouter should NOT feel like a loser, and should start adjusting to the idea of Cornell, I understand having your sights on a school nearer home, where many of your friends will be, where you’ve thought about going your whole life, where the vibe is a little more familiar, where maybe Dad and Grandad went…I get it chouter. But think of this as an adventure! You have a great opportunity here! You will come to see that very clearly later, I’ll bet.</p>

<p>FYI, everyone…just to put it in perspective, chouter’s major is aeronautical engineering, I think. These two programs, TAMU and Cornell are VERY closely ranked. Difficult to surf it from this phone, but perhaps 12th and 13th in the nation.</p>

<p>Really folks, this is just a kid that had a dream to attend a certain school for whatever reason. Lay off. Granted, he got into an Ivy, but if it is not where you “dreamed of” it can be tough. Ever been to Cornell in the winter? </p>

<p>This is a rough time of the year for many kids and parents. The kid that dreamed of UNC and didn’t get in, but got into Princeton, etc. I am continually baffled by the college admissions process.</p>

<p>You can always transfer from Cornell U to A & M later. I’d be willing to wager they’d accept that transfer if you do well at Cornell. Give it a year.</p>

<p>Chouter it is understandable to be disappointed not to get into your top choice. College admissions is such confusing process. However you have a great option that yes many would hope for an opportunity. Go visit Cornell and get a feel for the campus, sounds like they think you’ll be a great fit! Good luck to you, your future looks bright!</p>

<p>Take a look at the links provided. Cornell aeronautical engineering is rated 27th in the world. TAMU is not listed in the top 50. You should truly reevaluate your feelings. You should consider yourself lucky to have received an acceptance from Cornell. </p>

<p>[World’s</a> Best Universities in Mechanical, Aeronautical, and Manufacturing Engineering | US News](<a href=“]World’s”></p>

<p>Cornell’s SAT range for engineering students is higher than TAMU.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Look on the bright side.</p>

<p>TAMU may have thought you would opt for a different school considering your stats.</p>