hELP! blue ribbon question

<p>for the essay portion of my application, i have chosen the one in which you write about a local/national/international issue. i ended up writing a 1200 word essay on why bilingual education is bad and now i’m really afraid that that is just WAYYYY too much. however, they never gave us a word limit. WHAT do you guys think??? i’m worried that they’re gonna hate it… it’s far too long… and perhaps too hackneyed for a high school senior to write a persuasion piece…
please be honest… any comments will help… thanks!</p>

<p>Good topic--but 1200 wds. is way too long. Rewrite aiming for 600 and then rewrite again, reducing to 500, if possible. That way you'll keep in only the best part. The essay should reflect why this issue means a lot to you personally and should not explore the history of the debate or attempt to cover every possible counter-argument. Think in terms of "the most important reason why bl-ed is not a good idea is....." "I feel strongly about this because......"</p>

<p>haha- thanks but its way too late
ive sent in already but all of sudden, i had second thoughts
it was way too much a persuasive essay and way too long, but now i can't change it. the only good thing about it is that i related it to myself and my race (minority). hopefully that'd help
thanks for the reply though! new to cc- and its great here!</p>