So I finished by CSS profile on Saturday thinking that gave me enough time to do the IDOC by the 20th as the site said it took a few hours to process. I just called and they said it takes a full business day to process and I can enter it tonight but can’t upload it until tomorrow morning. Will I be okay? Should I call the college that needs it (Williams) and explain?
What’s the difference between “entering it” and “uploading it”?
@BelknapPoint Not sure, I think I can enter the information but they can’t send it to the colleges. Not entirely sure but this is what they said when I called.
Should sending an email to them (admitting that it was much of my own fault for waiting) suffice?
Once you’ve uploaded the documents to IDOC, you’ve done everything you can. If you’ve met the deadline, you’re all set. It’s now up to the college to download the documents from all applicants, and they will do this on their schedule.
@BelknapPoint I still can’t log into my account so the documents aren’t on there at all yet
We had the same problem. Talked to College Board and they said the universities were aware of the issues with IDOC. We emailed Williams nonetheless, and they said there would be no late penalty due to IDOC’s internal issues but get it in asap. We are finally have access and are sending it in now. Best of luck!