<p>I'm currently in 8th grade at Anglo Singapore International school (an international school in Bangkok, Thailand)and i'm planning to apply to these schools in the next 2 years. I will apply as an 11th grader. But I will need financial aid scholarship for around half of the boarding tuition. I haven't take SSAT yet.</p>
<p>My grades in 8th grade
Thai for native speaker-A*
Chinese for native speaker-A (I'm not a chinese though)
Biology:A* 99
Math:A (Algebra II)
ICT:B (I'm bad at computer TOT)
Global perspective:A*</p>
I'm a school 10 top speakers and a debater.
I'm part of the Thailand national debate pool (They select 17 people out of the whole country)
I've got 8th best speaker for 7th European Thailand Inter-varsity Debate Championship.
I've got 9th best speaker for 6th Thailand high school debate championship.
I've been joining World scholar's cup recently and got 2nd best speaker.
2) World scholar's cup, regional round (WSC)I've been participating for 2 times.
I've got top 5th best team in WSC. (2012 and 2011)
I've got honorable mention for my persuasive essay.(2012)
I've got 2nd best debate team in WSC (2012)
I've got bronze medals for biotechnology, modern metropolis and art.(2011)
I've been school prefect and counselor for around 4 years.
Involve in many activities and community services with other prefects.
4) lots of community services
5)I play basketball----my school doesn't have girl's basketball team but I play on sport's day (becuz there's not enough boys for the team) and I join basketball club.
I don't know how my SSAT score will be like.
My essay are pretty ok for ESL students who study native English in school. (My score is just as high as other native)
Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Age: 14</p>
<p>Please, pretty pretty please reply ^^</p>
<p>You have an.amazing chance, you have sports , goals, and extra curriculars. You should show your character in the interview because boarding schools will accept someone who.got a C in math just because their personality was great. Also, they dont look at you 8th grade grades , mostly seventh and below if your applying as a freshman. Goodluck !</p>
<p>It is very, very, very difficult for an int’l student to receive financial aid. Plus you are an Asian-female applicant-- the toughest demographic group to compete in. If financial aid is a necessity for you attend BS, then most BS will not accept you. Some schools offer need-blind admissions, but those schools also have the most applicants, and the need-blind policy may not apply to int’l students. </p>
<p>You need to contact each school individually to find out what their FA policy is for int’l students, before you invest the considerable time & money to apply to them. </p>
<p>Being a Thai national may help you, as being a citizen of Singapore, South Korea, China, Hong King may work against you as there are many kids of those nationalities already represented at the top BS, and BS are trying to achieve geographic diversity.</p>
<p>I really want to go to good prep school but most or maybe all of them are too expensive for me. So do you know any good bs with inexpensive tuition? Or the one that give more aids to int’ student like me. I heard EF academy has many int students, is this a good school?</p>
<p>For my personality
I’m pretty shy to stranger and I can be really nervous. But I can hide it I think, I give all credit to debate, it teaches me to stay calm in any situation haha. However, when im with my friends im really crazy>< I smile a lot and I’m easygoing, I never think I’m a nerd!</p>
<p>You need to understand the BS situation in the U.S. </p>
<p>The elite U.S. BS’s are very, very expensive and exist primarily to educate American kids, and they tend to have a low % of int’l students (15% or less). The few int’l students that are admitted serve to increase the geographic/cultural diversity of the student body, and these kids are expected to pay full tuition in almost all cases. The few exceptions for substantial FA for int’l kids are for those kids who have some exceptional talent (i.e. Olympic-level athlete; cello prodigy) or have some compelling life-story (i.e. an AIDS-orphan child-soldier from the Sudan), or come from some obscure country that would add to the school’s geographic diversity (i.e. Burkina Faso—Thailand is probably not exotic enough). </p>
<p>The elite schools generally do not give FA to int’l kids who are just bright and nice. It is difficult for bright & nice American kids to get FA at these top schools. For int’l kids, it is exponentially more difficult.</p>
<p>The U.S. BS’s that do have a high % of int’l kids tend to be lower tier schools. Whether the schools in this group are very expensive or less expensive, the int’l students are viewed as cash cows. As you are already attending an English-language int’l school in your home country, you need to ask yourself what advantage would be gained by investing considerable cost to attend one of these lower-tier schools, as opposed to just continuing at your present int’l school. What would be the point in going to the U.S. to study, if the school you attend has few American students.</p>
<p>As affordability of BS in the U.S. is an issue for your family, you should be aware that the cost of attending a school abroad involves quite a bit more than just the cost of tuition. BS in the U.S. generally have 4 breaks when the campus is closed: Summer Vacation, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break. You need to include your travel expenses to vacate the campus at these times. Airfare from BKK to JFK or BOS is approx. 1500-2000 USD per round-trip.</p>
<p>Here is a useful link for you to research info about different BS:
[Boarding</a> Schools with the Highest Percentage of International Students - Boarding School Review](<a href=“http://www.boardingschoolreview.com/highest_percentage_international_students.php]Boarding”>Boarding Schools with the Highest Percentage International (2024))</p>
<p>Sorry to paint such a bleak picture, but since FA is a necessity, you should understand what the odds are</p>
<p>I hate to say this bluntly - because you are an Asian female, no matter what country you are from, and you are applying for financial aid, you won’t get into Exeter. I’m sorry to say this. I go to Exeter, and nobody from countries outside the US receives financial aid. Not one cent. You have really great credentials, though, so I really hate to say this but this is the truth. </p>
<p>I’m sure this applies to other schools as well.</p>
<p>Hey I am an asian female too!
You have really great EC’s and academics. I didn’t apply to all those other schools you did, except Peddie. I got accepted and I think it’s mainly my interview that went well. My grades were good, but my SSAT was fairly low and my EC’s weren’t as great as yours. So I think you should really be yourself and shine in the interview!
They were all super friendly. But I hope you get accepted into all those schools, not just Peddie. :)</p>
<p>@pianofreak12, are you an int’l student? Are you receiving FA?</p>
<p>I’m an Asian Female…Wow.
GMTplus7 just made me feel very small and tiny. >.<
I have to ask…is it easier for US Citizens?
I have a 150 on AMC10, and I’m planning to be the top in GPA among by class of '16 this year.
I’ll be playing JV Tennis, this year, but not well.
Can I hope to get into Hades+Choate+Milton+Groton?</p>
<p>@jilynne, </p>
<p>The top BS want diversity, so they do not want their int’l students to all come from the same country, so they limit the number of int’l students from any one country. And some countries (China, Hong Kong, S. Korea) tend to have a lot of applicants. Therefore, if you are are from one of these well-represented countries, you will be competing against many of your countrymen for a limited number of slots. </p>
<p>On top of that, irrespective of nationality, there are GIRL slots and BOY slots. The schools want to achieve 50:50 gender balance overall. So you will also be competing against applicants of your same sex: girls. As girls tend to mature earlier than boys and also tend to achieve academically better than boys of the same age, the girl pool is very very competitive. Therefore, you should not feel small nor tiny, because you are part of a very elite pool. Girls rock!</p>
<p>Now, if you are an Asian girl from an under-represented country in Asia (say, Myanmar) then your chances would probably be a lot better.</p>
<p>Now if you are int’l AND you are a girl AND you need a lot of financial aid, then the odds are really not in your favor.</p>
<p>I really hope I’m rich enough to pay such an expensive tuition. I came from a middle class family, moreover, both of my sisters are studying medicine at university of Washington which already cost a lot of money. Making my parents pay for full tuition, my family probably gonna broke. Still, I really want to go to BS, really hope i can get aid.Thank you for all your comments.</p>
<p>I hate to say this, but it’s nigh impossible for international applicants to get admitted with financial aid. Note that I said Financial Aid, not scholarship.</p>
<p>If you really want to attend a boarding school, I recommend that you take a look at The Fountain Valley School of Colorado. Beautiful campus, has students matriculated to Ivies/MIT/stanford, and my friend applying got in with a scholarship that covers 35% of the tuition. And he did not even have stellar SSAT scores (high 60s). Sure, it doesn’t have the brand name like the Exovies but it could be the right fit for you.</p>
<p>Do you mean that I can get a scholarship from the school instead?</p>
<p>I can’t say it for certain, but it’s always worth a try.</p>
<p>And I think a retired poster on CC (TomTheCat) was offered FA by Andover that covered 99% of the tuition…and he’s from the UK. Maybe BS do offer aid for internationals after all? Can someone help me confirm?</p>
<p>Also, 3-4 years ago, a student from Vietnam was offered a full ride by Lawrenceville, accepted into senior year. He’s now at Stanford. But it was Davis Scholarship, not FA. Just in case you’re interested…</p>
<p>You should explore scholarships targeting Thai MS/HS students too. A good info. source is scholarship.in.th</p>
<p>Other than King’s scholarship which required me to be 18 and finish high school here, there’s only a short exchange program which mean I can’t study more than a year and if I can, it’s only at public high school :(</p>