Help - choose Junior year class

My daughter ( aiming for neuroscience / Bioinformatics/ heath related major ) still undecided

sophomore year - AP Euro * , Alg2 , French 3 , Chem(H) * , Eng (H) ,PE (they allow one AP in sophomore yr )
*Digital photography - community college

Junior - US History , Eng 11H* , Precal , AP Bio , ???

*weighted UC class

She’s just an average student …Pls suggest which classes might help her . I was recommending AP French so that she can get credit (assuming 3 ) but she 's not interested.

We do plan to attend community college classes during summer


Colleges may have foreign language graduation requirements that are higher than their foreign language admission requirements.

You posted this in the UC section. If you are looking at a UC, she should have at least 4 UC weighted courses (8 semesters) in 10th and 11th grade. The majority of applicants have more than 8 semesters.