Help ease my mind!!!!

<p>Hello, I'm a transfer student hoping to transfer into these following schools:

<p>My major is Economics. My current GPA is 3.87. I have not signed any transfer agreements. Also, the highest math level I can get up to until transfer is Calculus 1A. Other than that, assume I have completed all the other pre-reqs. How detrimental is this? What are my chances?? Help me ease my mind!</p>

<p>thats gonna be pretty tough since econ does not have many pre-reqs at all</p>

macro , micro
2 semesters calc</p>

<p>try to squeeze calc for winter and spring?</p>

<p>it's just not possible because the highest level I can get up to is calc 1A until transfer. unless i stay another year that is. how much will this hurt me?</p>

<p>Then you won't be able to get into LA. You should have all the pre-reqs done before transfer.</p>

<p>not sure about SD and Davis.</p>

<p>you won't get into LA.</p>

<p>What's my chance at UCSD?</p>

<p>Hey I ahd the same question.</p>

<p>My school has Calc 1, which is everything that defines MATH 31AB. That’s the furtherst I will get on my Math requirement as well. </p>

<p>Is MATH 31AB like calculus 1 and calculus 2 or is it CALC 1 split into two quarters?</p>


<p>If you don’t get into all of those schools, I will eat my keyboard and link the youtube video come May.</p>

<p>So i’m assuming I have a good chance at SD and Davis?</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure you’ll be fine at davis as long as you’ll state you’ll finish it by the summer.</p>

<p>what about UCSD?</p>

<p>call them, they’re alot more lenient than LA and Berkeley from what i’ve heard.</p>

<p>you <em>should</em> be okay for ucsd–like another poster mentioned, they’re much more lenient with prerequisites than UCB or UCLA. To reiterate what someone else said, you should really try to contact an admissions rep from ucsd. </p>

<p>Unfortunately UCLA screens out econ majors that haven’t completed all of the prereqs despite GPA just because there are waaay too many applicants for so few slots. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if UCB automatically screens people out though…their admissions process is weird…</p>