<p>I'm a high school senior who, after loosing 60 pounds since summer and discovering the wonderful world of nutrition, wants to be a registered dietitian. </p>
<p>However, I have literally no clue how to go about becoming one, I'm a first generation college student and this entire process is extremely confusing to me.</p>
<p>For added information, I live in Michigan, and I have a 3.0GPA.</p>
<p>I've found this (SVSU</a> - Career Services: Nutrition) but I remain very confused, what courses am I supposed to take, are they available? Where can I find them?</p>
<p>The first thing you’ll need to do is start compiling a list of Michigan’s state schools that offer a major in nutrition. You can search through their list of majors on each website --sometimes it’s listed through their Health Promotion dept. Use the College Confidential College search feature. Put in your stats, and intended major. It’s not always completely accurate, but it’s a start. I would focus on Michigan for now. See if there are any first-generation programs as well. Sometimes there are for low-income applicants or first-gen. Once you find the list of schools, go to their Financial Aid pages and look under scholarships to see what’s offered. </p>
<p>After you complete your BS in nutrition, you will work within a clinical setting (hospital usually, health center, etc.). I think that lasts 1-2 yrs. I can’t remember if you take the RD examination right after your BS is complete or whether you wait until the work experience is complete. But I do know you need the bachelor in science in nutrition, so focus on that goal for now. Good luck!</p>
<p>Here’s the list of schools that offer a Nutrition Major from College Board site. You can also set up an account here and put in your stats to see if you are within range for some of these schools:</p>