<p>I feel so frustrated that I've been so indecisive about which dorm I want to make as my first choice, but know that I have at least sent in my housing application months ago. However, the deadline to make a final change to my rooming preference is in a few days, and I still haven't 100% finalized what dorm I want to try to get into!</p>
<p>Basically, for the longest time now, I have been stuck between choosing two halls that I like the most. We'll call them A Hall and Z Hall for simplicity. I've visited them many times, asked friends and students who have lived in those halls, and... I can't tell which one I like better. </p>
<p>For starters, A Hall is the newest hall on campus and also the nicest looking dorm hall, and features private bathrooms. The rooms are also slightly bigger than all the other halls on campus and because all these features everyone LOVES this hall. However, it is also a triple, and me and my mom were worried that if I ended up on the top bunk, I would accidentally fall down while I sleep because I tend to move around in my sleep a bit. It also doesn't help that the top bunk beds don't have any railing. I could move all the beds so that no one has to sleep on the top bunk, but then it'd be pretty cramped up. I've also heard from my friend that it may be difficult to work out things with two other roommates rather than one. </p>
<p>Z Hall, on the other hand, is a little older than A Hall, but is a double hall and features the typical communal bathrooms. I wouldn't have to worry about falling off the bed 6 feet above ground, and I would only have to deal with one roomie instead of two. However, there are some strange pipes that stick out from the walls, which I've been told hold dirty water, and part of me gets paranoid about the pipes will suddenly leaking out when least expected. I also like a bit of privacy, so the communal bathrooms can be slightly inconvenient at times for me.</p>
<p>I get so conflicted because though I like the private bathrooms, I also would rather just have one other roommate than two others, and well this vicious indecisive cycle just doesn't stop. Of course, I feel all this fuss will become useless once I actually see my dorm assignment, but I just would like other people's input. Both dorm halls are the same price, so it only basically comes down to preferences (and/or luck). What do you guys think?</p>