help...I want music to listen to...

<p>So I like have no music except for the small number of computer game music files that I've been listening to for the last few years ad nauseam. I also hate disrupting my chain of attention, so I don't want to use Youtube (since I have to keep on switching between videos). So is there like a good online radio station (preferably computer game music) or something that I could listen to? (preferably without having to spend too much time looking for anything) I don't even know what the best artists are or anything - I just know about computer game music.</p>

<p>computer game music? w t f?</p>

<p>I don't know about computer game music, but have you tried listening to ambient music? It's all instrumental and it seems like you are interested in music that doesn't have vocals in it.</p>

<p>Dont tell me when or what to post. Thanks mom!</p>

<p>All day. All day.</p>

<p>Why would I be jealous of that?</p>

<p>I recommend you check out some classical composers and some ambient bands such as Mogwai and Boards of Canada. There is a site called where you can create playlists for free out of a wide variety of user submitted music. Also, if I recall you talked about torrents, and you can always get some music that way.</p>

<p>Out of curiostiy, what kind of computer game music do you listen to?</p>

<p>Thanks for the recs. looks interesting. Yeah, I know about torrents - it's just that I don't know what to download (and I have little disk space - so I'm not going to indiscriminately download anything).</p>

<p>There's also, but 1 minute MIDI files aren't the best that I've heard.</p>

<p>A lot of games have like 7-8 soundclips that are really nice, but that's as much as the game offers. I'd like to know of games that actually have substantial soundtracks.</p>

<p>As for the games whose music I most frequently listen to:</p>

<p>Age of Empires II
Wizardry 8 (I loved those clips, too bad there are only like 8 of them)
Pokemon Red and Blue
Dynasty Warriors
Age of Wonders (ah, I loved that game's music so much - too bad I listened to it waaay ad nauseam)
Age of Wonders II
Streets of SimCity
Romance of Three Kingdoms IV (SNES)
Rise of the Phoenix (SNES)</p>

<p>I'd like to be able to convert LEGO Island's music to something playable - only that its music files aren't stored in playable format. =( Sometimes I discover a new game and then suddenly have an entire few more week's of music to get. </p>

<p>I don't like...
Civilization III
Age of Mythology
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion</p>

<p>Koji Kondo composed all of the Mario and Zelda stuff, and is pretty much the God of Nintendo music. So I suppose if you want more video game music to check out he is your man lol.</p>

<p>I would go CRAZY if I heard the Pokemon red version song again. If you can use the torrents, there are plenty of music to choose from. If you don't like vocals, movie instrumentals are a good choice. Try for music by John Williams or James Horner.</p>

<p>If you're looking for streaming radio, try Among other things, it is capable of streaming artists similar to ones you already know, and music IDed by tag. </p>

<p>From just a quick search, I got this list: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You can play a streaming station for a specific tag. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p> has a community component too. What you listen to goes into your profile. Once you've listened to enough music, you get "neighbors", people with musical taste similar to yours. There are also communities of people with similar musical tastes, like this gaming one: <a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>PM me if you have any questions. </p>

<p>You can get reccomendations from communities, and will make some of its own to you. I've also gotten reccommendations from my neighbors from time to time.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks so much ELorax! =) looks really awesome (EDIT: it was exactly the type of link I was looking for). I just started playing VG music soundtracks - hopefully I'll find some nice tunes along the way</p>

<p>Thanks for the artist recs - I'll have to look into them sometime</p>

<p>Even as a longtime gamer, this is the nerdiest thing i've ever seen...</p>

<p>Just get a set of the complete Beethoven will be exposed to enjoyable music and great art at the same time. now how can you beat that? :)</p>

<p>To be honest, I've never been big into game music, but some movie soundtracks are nice. the only exception i'd ever make for game music would be the theme they play in Gerudo Valley in Ocarina of Time for Zelda. It's such a cool beat!</p>

<p> is pretty sweet. I've found some cool arists on there. I forgot to mention this, but music you listen to on other things, like your ipod or windows media player, can be uploaded via plugins to your profile.</p>

<p>I know your musical taste is probably pretty set, but don't be afraid of branching out! There's a lot of awsome music out there.</p>

<p>If you want truly superior music, get music made by people who aren't video game music people. Though I haven't personally heard it, Amon Tobin did the soundtrack for one of the Splinter Cell games and it was well received by the musical community. Also, the Fight Club score done by the Dust Brothers may fit the bill. I use yahoo!'s internet radio service and listen to old Solid Steel radio broadcasts. I don't know why a person would listen to video game music specifically instead of traditional music but whatever floats your boat.</p>

<p>Also consider the band 'The Advantage.' A rock group, they play only covers of old NES tracks (think themes from Metroid, Mario, and Marble Madness). It gets tiring very quickly but you and I have extremely different musical taste so it may be exactly what you're looking for.</p>

<p>Along with, I find Rate</a> Your Music to be an excellent resource for discovering new music. Although you can't stream anything from RYM (like you can from, you can find albums that are universally acclaimed by listeners, so you know which albums to start with.</p>

<p>Also, don't be afraid to branch out and try new music. A lot of music that you won't like at first listen will grow on you over time as you listen to it more and more.</p>

<p>I also use</p>

<p>Metacritic is great as well.</p>