<p>How do you know if you're rescinded???????? There is an academic hold on my account. THere is this thing on my ursa account:
07-01-2009 UARS - Failure to meet Provisions - 1147 Murphy You are ineligible for enrollment, fee assessment, financial aid, and all campus services.</p>
<p>I've been crying for a while. Some help would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>I didn’t have a significant drop in gpa…
They did receive my transcript
I notified them when I changed my senior schedule and they said my admission is not affected and I’m okay
GAH TYPOS?! I don’t think so…</p>
<p>dunno but since it says its from july 1 and its july 7 now even if they did send you something you should have got it now… can’t really do anything until tomorrow wait and see what happens… if you dropped a class did your gpa drop below 3.0 UW…?</p>
<p>90star09, did you have any Ds or whatever on your transcript?? maybe you just forgot to pay a housing payment or whatever. don’t panic just yet!! e-mail spam them… or ask a friend at orientation (101 already began, right?) to talk to them for you… just be strong and keep going on! you WILL be at UCLA! don’t you worry! from what you say about your senior year, it sounds like a mistake to me… when did they receive your transcript and when and where (where at the URSA) did this message come up? things will work out- as of now, just try getting in touch with them through a friend at orientation or sth, okay? and don’t cry! <em>bear… no bruin-hugs you</em></p>
<p>But anyways, I agree. Just TRY (sounds impossible) to calm down (even though I’d probably be WAY worse than you, lol).</p>
<p>Just call ASAP! That’s all you can do right now and I’m sure things will be all good 'cause from what I’m reading, they wouldn’t reject a smart tart like you, right? =)</p>
<p>You need to get down to Murphy ASAP! Are you in the college of letters and sciences? I know for a fact that the office is open, because I was just there today. Do you live nearby? If so, go in person. If not call first thing tomorrow. It sounds like a mistake. . . I’m sure it’s fixable. Be persistent. Just keep truckin’ sweetie! </p>
<p>I want to assure you that it could be some sort of technicality with your transcript that needs to be corrected. My dd had a similar situation last year after she had already attended orientation and registered for classes. She was told that if it wasn’t resolved with a few days, the system would automatically drop her. It had to do with some classes that had been transfered onto her official transcript from another school and UCLA required original transcripts from that school as well. In our case it was a pain because the transcripts need to be resent from Sweden and schools in Sweden were closed for the summer. If you don’t have any grade issues it may be something like that or simply an error on your final transcript.</p>
<p>In our case it was actually the last week of July she was notified of a transcript issue…</p>
<p>if you know they have no logical reason to rescind you then ur fine.
account hold usually occur when you forget to pay something like BAR account or housing…just look it up.
i know how u feel. last year i thought i was going to get rescinded… its tough…</p>
<p>:( i just think rescinding admission is so darn unfair! i mean, the person obviously rejected all his/her other choices and in the end, just because the person screwed up once (obviously 90star90 was awesome enough for UCLA to want her in the first place), they say they don’t want the person anymore!! if they HAVE to cancel admissions, might as well do it before the person replies to other colleges!! go go go girl! go and appeal there yourself… like tell them to take you in on conditional basis or something! and then do really really well in your first year… and show them how amazing you are! :)</p>
<p>good luck! and however difficult it may be, relax, k? i’m sure it’ll all work out well… and you’ll come to UCLA and give us free meal swipes for our good advice! haha! kidding kidding! :)</p>
<p>Rescinding is most definitely unfair–especially in this stage of the game…
I really can’t tell you how much you guys have helped me get through this–unfortunately the office doesn’t open until 1 (well they don’t take calls) and I’m from the midwest so that’s 3pm my time :/. I’ll keep you updated…thanks so much for your support–I would be honored to be alongside such great people such as yourselves at UCLA :)</p>
<p>Just a quick question about transcripts…myucla says they received my transcripts and they are ‘reviewing’ my records and will contact me if they need any further info. Its been this way for over a month. Any idea how long they take in ‘reviewing’ my transcripts?</p>