<p>CC is the new Hogwarts for me, so someone please honestly chance me!</p>
<p>I took the ACT today for the first time (second time posting about it; trying to keep from freaking out...not working....). I didn't finish the math or the science sections and will probably recieve a score 30 in math and 26 in science. The writting is probably going to be a 34. And the reading around a 30-31.</p>
<p>I did SO many practice tests and always finished on time, with an average score of 34. I have no idea what happened at today's ACT. :(</p>
I WANT to get into Cornell ED like so many other students, and I feel underqualified -- at least when it comes to standarized test taking. With an ACT composite of about 30, is this even an option?</p>
<p>SAT I: 2090
SAT II, bio: 750
SAT II math and lit: signed up to take in October.
Rank: 2 of about 700
AP Scores: bio -5; pysch -5; politics -5; us history -5; statistics -5;literature -5; language -5. Signed up for AP calculus, physics, economics this year.
I also take Microbiology and Chemistry classes at my local college (an extension of University of Georgia).
Extra cirricular: Mock Trial (president); science bowl (captain); national beta club (vice president); National Honor Society; science olympiad (placed at state); tutoring Special Needs children in math for two years; employed as a computer programer at a medical practice for two years; play beginner level tennis and some classical piano.
Awards: National Merit Commended Student; AP Scholar with Distinction; Most Effective Attorney Awards (mock trial competitions); admitted on to the Student Bar Association of Georgia with Honors; Governor's Honors Program Nominee (for Biology); Georgia Merit Award; letter from Georgia Senator for academic excellence; and a few others.</p>