HELP! Is it a good idea to take 3 graduate courses this summer before my internship in the fall?

Hi everyone,

I am attending Graduate School for Secondary Education this Fall 2018, and I plan to start graduate school with a year long internship. I plan to be interning in an 8th grade science classroom at a high-needs middle school. I got my undergraduate degree in Biology, so I have little experience in education other than 2 education courses, my own experience growing up, and substitute teaching/summer school assisting. I’ve been on the fence about taking summer courses before my internship. The courses are 4 credits each, and count towards my Master’s Degree. I would plan to take 3 courses (at most) over 5 weeks this summer before my internship. I was wondering if this was a good idea, if it would be challenging, and if anyone has similar experiences they could share!

Here’s a little look into the 3 courses that count towards my degree:
EDUC 851B - Educating Exceptional Learners: Secondary
EDUC 801 - Human Development & Learning
EDUC 800 - Educational Structure & Change

Thank you in advance.