Help! Late housing deposit - how bad is it?

<p>I thought my daughter paid her housing deposit at the same time she paid the enrollment fee - but just found out yesterday she didn't (she thought she had to find her roommate first). </p>

<p>It's paid but now I'm worried what the impact will be for her future experience at UM. Can she recover or will we spend the next four years worried about her housing situation because she paid after the May 1 deadline? </p>

<p>Thanks for any info. or advice. </p>

<p>Sign into the “University of Miami Parents Connection Group” on “FB”. A senior staff housing member is there and you can ask the question and get an official answer from him. His name is Jon Baldessari. I think your daughter will be fine. I imagine she isn’t the only one to miss the date by a few days. </p>

<p>Thank you Biocellar! I hope you’re right that she’ll probably be ok. I’m just really concerned because I know last year the school was over-enrolled and had to put some kids up at a Holiday Inn across the street, and I’m dreading the idea of that happening here. </p>

<p>Did you reach out to Jon B.?</p>

<p>Yes thanks Biocellar - I called and am waiting to hear back. The receptionist didn’t think it would be a problem but emphasized my daughter has to select her roommate by May 15. But I’m still hoping to talk to Jon. </p>

<p>I understand the housing deposit date will affect future housing too, and I’m hoping her mistake isn’t one that she can’t recover from in terms of how it affects her entire four years at the U. I doubt she’d want a single room so that’s not a problem, but do you know how difficult it is for upper level students to get housing in Univ. Village? </p>

<p>SPFx50 - my S is finishing up his freshman year and will be living in University Village next year. Although UV is just for upper level student, housing is based on completed credits. Since he had a year+ worth of credits from APs, he technically has junior status for next year from a housing perspective. Based on what I know from this year (and it probably changes every year based on demand), it didn’t seem difficult for him to get a spot in UV. We also worried about his chances in the lottery since he didn’t put his deposit down until right around May 1 - that didn’t seem to be a big issue.</p>

<p>I think a decent number of sophomores live off campus - they want more freedom and space. My guess is that many of those who live off campus their sophomore year probably don’t return to campus for junior/senior years (I’m really just guessing here). UV is very much like an apartment complex BUT it comes with all the rules that the dorms have as far as parties, alcohol, etc. UM does inspect the apartments on a routine for rule violations, etc. It may also be a bit pricier than some, not all, off-campus housing options which may impact demand. </p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>