Help - Looking for past discussion on Eng. 103

<p>Last year there was a discussion about Engineering 103 and the fact that many students were having trouble in the class. I have searched the forum and cannot find anything. If anyone else can find it, or those who participated pm me with the professor’s name so we can avoid him/her, it would be appreciated. Thank you</p>

<p>Was it this one? <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If that is not it, a good way to search (any) forums is by using google’s search engine. All you need to do to search CC is type followed by what you are searching for. I simply added eng 103.</p>

<p>Another tip that some posters might find helpful is if you want to quote someone is to simply type
[ quote ] text [ /quote ] w/o the space between the word quote and the brackets.</p>


<p>I tried eng 103 in my search forum and nothing came up (but I’ve been having problems with my computer on this site.) Thank you for finding it for me!!!</p>

<p>I just read that thread. Interesting reading considering ds did register for a eng 103 sec. Do you know if they can exempt from the course with a 5 in BC as suggested in that link? I am not worried about ds not being able to do difficult level work in future engineering courses b/c he has already done so in 300 level physics classes. I just hate to see him spend so much time on a class that really isn’t necessary.</p>

<p>Mom2, this would be a great question to ask UA as things may have changed. My DS took AP Calculus AB so he will have to take this course, despite finishing over 10 Project Lead the Way and other engineering courses he took at his high school. I had thought about asking the engineering department if he could be exempt from this class but as an engineering student (not CS) decided this would be a great way to meet other engineering students. I hope it will be an easy A but am not sure because of last Fall’s thread. Sometimes a teacher can make things more difficult than they should be.</p>

<p>My DS took Honors Engr 103 last fall and had no previous Engineering or upper-level Physics. He was also taking Calc I concurrently. He made an A-, but really studied hard for it. They had a study group that developed because the class was more difficult than they all expected. I would think if you have Physics/Engineering/Calc experience you would do fine!</p>

<p>I am a bit puzzled. Why would AP Calc BC exempt one from an introductory engineering class?</p>

<p>Not sure either…</p>

<p>I don’t think they can. I looked in the course catalog, the ap credit pg, etc and there is nothing about exemption. I don’t know where the OP in that thread got that info.</p>

<p>After I spent time looking, I asked ds which professor he had signed up for and his response was that he is taking intro ECE something, not 103!! </p>