Help me add a couple more matches?

<p>Numerical Stats:
UW GPA: 3.44
W GPA: 3.74
ACT: 32 (36 Eng, 26 Math, 32 Read, 32 Sci, 8 Writ)
ACT Superscore: 33 (36 Eng, 30 Math, 32 Read, 32 Sci, 8 Wri)</p>

<p>Other Important Things to Consider:
Race: Caucasian/White
State of Residency: MI
Applied for Financial Aid: Yes - everywhere
Desired Major: Economics (BS where available)
*LGBT Applicant - looking for a school with a decent LGBT atmosphere
*Limited to staying within the midwest. Pretty much I'm limited to schools in WI, MI, IL, IO, PA, OH, and even though NY isn't in the midwest, I'd be able to get there fairly easily through Canada.
What can I afford: My parents have expressed the desire to pay roughly 25k/year. They understand that, for the colleges I want to go to, this is rather unrealistic and we are able to pay probably about 40k/year after scholarships and FAFSA and such. </p>

<p>Where I've applied:
- Loyola University Chicago (accepted)
- Grand Valley State University (accepted)
- Michigan State University
- University of Rochester (first choice, but did not apply ED)
- Case Western Reserve University
- Purdue University</p>

<p>Where I'm going to apply:
- University of Pittsburgh
- Grinnell</p>

<p>Basically, I'm just looking to add a couple more match schools to my list. It'd be great if they were on the Common App because I've already filled that out, but it really doesn't matter much. It would help if the school was a school that gives out at least some financial aid, as well, so a school like Illinois Urbana-Champaign probably isn't the best fit simply because I probably wouldn't get much aid (unless of course, I'm mistaken).</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>You are not mistaken about UIUC - you’d get nothing except federal aid. Run the Supermatch engine on the left side of this page and then go to the school web sites. Run their Net Price Calculators to see if it would be affordable. If your parents will pay $25K/year and you can take a $5K/year loan then the SUNYs would be affordable.</p>

<p>I don’t really desire to have to take out any loans for undergrad college. Also, parents are able/willing to pay up to 40k/year, but have just stated that they would love for it to be under 25k.</p>

<p>Additionally, I think that I prefer a more research-based colleges, but I’d be just as happy at an LAC. I’m pretty sure URoch is the research school I have currently anyway.</p>

<p>the professors at all your schools do research and most of them involve u/gs in research to varying extents. </p>

<p>I second the SUNYs and add Ohio State and Ohio U. </p>

<p>URochester is not going to offer you much merit aid. Perhaps Case a little more. Why are UMN (33K) and UWisc (40K) not on your list?</p>

<p>Are there any SUNYs in particular that I should check out? Binghamton, Buffalo, etc?</p>

<p>I probably won’t add Ohio U, but I’m considering Ohio State.</p>

<p>UMN is just a bit too far away for me, and I really don’t want to be that far away from home. I really like UWisc, so I’ll ask my parents about it.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for your input. After putting some thought into it, I’ve decided to remove Grinnell from my list of schools I’m applying to. Grinnell is almost all the way down in Nebraska, and that’s just too far for me to go. I have decided, however, to replace Grinnell with both Oberlin and Ohio State. </p>

<p>Thank you all for your help in coming up with a couple more schools to apply to!</p>

<p>SUNY Buffalo is about 15 minutes from the airport. You should be able to fly to Detroit form there. </p>

<p>MSU grad here. Go Green!!! Great school and no reason I can see for you to pay more than IS tuition if you get in. </p>

<p>Oberlin is probably a reach with your GPA (so you didn’t add a match as you were looking to do).</p>

<p>^ I realized this and took Oberlin off my list. I already have URochester as a reach that, if I get into, I will most likely attend. I didn’t need another school that I won’t get into.</p>

<p>For anyone interested, this is my final college app list. No one’s probably interested, but I know I always like to see where everyone’s applying:

  • Beloit College (RD)
  • Case Western Reserve University (EA)
  • Grand Valley State University (EA) - Accepted
  • Kalamazoo College (RD)
  • Loyola University Chicago (EA) - Accepted
  • Michigan State University (EA) - Accepted
  • Purdue University (EA)
  • University of Rochester (RD)
  • The Ohio State University (RD)</p>

<p>Thanks again for all of your help. <3</p>

<p>I’d have left Pitt on the list, OP, but this is a good list. Case and Rochester probably won’t provide enough FA to get you there. Have you run the net price calculators?</p>

<p>We have run price calculators and understand what our EFCs are for each school.</p>

<p>For anyone interested, I added Denison and Wooster to my list and took off Ohio State University. College Apps were due for my school already, so I’m literally incapable of changing my list anymore, much to my parents relief.</p>

<p>congratulations, OP. </p>

<p>Nice list! Congrats on getting the applications in</p>