<p>First off my name is Andrew and I will be applying for Fall `09. I currently have a 3.71</p>
<p>There are a number of questions I have below regarding some specific classes please make any comments or observations you see. Anything to better my chances. USC is my dream school, otherwise I will be attending a UC. Also I am not a California resident, i dont think. I currently live in Tampa Bay, FL. However, my father does live in California and that is where I spent my entire life. I will be declaring myself a Psychology Major (unless you see other good options that I have) however it is my intention to follow up on premed courses and take my MCAT.</p>
<p>Classes I have taken:
Comp I - B
Comp II- B
Western Humanities - A [General Education Category I]
Speech - A
General Psychology - A
Biological Science - A - I think this class is different than Biology 1 so I may be taking that as well
Ethics -A [Diversity Requirement]</p>
<p>Classes I am taking right now (summer)
Spanish 1 - Didn't realize we needed 3 semesters worth
Developmental Psychology
College Algebra</p>
<p>Classes I plan on taking (please shoot out all your opinions here about what should be taken during fall vs spring):
Chemistry I
Biology I - not sure if this is different than my other class
Psychics I - one or more of these science classes will have a lab, does it make a difference?
Spanish II
Spanish III
Cultural Anthropology [GEC2]
Philosophy [GEC5]
American Government - This is not a pre req at USC is it? It is as my school. Do I need to take it?
Calculus I - ??? What is the difference between Applied Calculus and Calculus with Analytic Geometry? Which one is concurrent with USC's Calc?
anything else?</p>
<p>Thanks everyone! I have been a USC season ticket holder for 6 years now. My older brother graduated from Viterbi in 2006.</p>
<p>EDIT* I have very good sources, IMO for letters of recommendation. My pyshcology professor, PhD, and speech professor, PhD. I am also very involved with student government right now and will most likely be elected unopposed for a legislative representative position at the beginning of fall. As well I am the president of PAAC on campus, Peer Academic Advisory Council.</p>