Help me make a decision plz o.0

I always thought making a college decision was going to be easy, but it aint.

I am a transfer student who will be going into the following colleges as a 3rd year student with major. Here are my options:

  1. University of Washington (Computer science)
  2. University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Computer science)
  3. University of southern california (Computer science)

And I already kinda dont want to go here but
4. Columbia University (School of general studies)

My goal is to start working after bachelor, or possibly masters. Salary is important to me. I am going to work towards information security, software design, or AI.

Which one would be my best school? I have done a lot of research but really couldnt make a decision.


What would the cost be for each? Would you have to take on debt, and if so how much total debt for each school?

if it were me I would lean to either Uni. of Michigan or USC whichever of these is cheapest for your career.

Any one of the three options for computer science are excellent. Consider costs, environment etc.

@Ughhhelpme As other posts have mentioned, not a “wrong” choice here. (funnily enough my kid had the exact same choice for MechE and had a very hard time deciding)

I would say, aside from the considerations others have suggested (#1 being cost. If you are OOS for Wash and Mich, USC “sticker price” is highest of the 3, UWash is lowest. All are pricey.) I think the other possible deciding factor could be where you want to be after graduation. If you want to be in the midwest, Mich is probably the strongest choice. NW, esp Seattle, UWash is networked like crazy. LA/Socal USC gets the nod. Silicon Valley - all three are competitive. Just judging anecdotaly, I think USC might have the stronger rising trend line there.

But all three are really good programs and they are, aside from location, pretty similar schools as far as vibe (with the obvious regional flavors.)