help me!!

<p>my G.C made a mistake while submitting my secondary school report. Instead of writing my GPA as 3.83 she wrote it as 3.67. She has done a follow-up email. but will it even work.
fortunately, if transcript is looked at...the gpa for commonapp SR is clearly indicated as 3.83</p>

<p>wat would happen to my fate??? oh god...suffering from series of misfortunes.. donot add on top of it by not replying!!</p>

<p>to lehigh and upenn</p>

<p>As long as you and your guidance counselor email the admissions officer, you should be fine. I emailed my admissions counselor twice and got responses pretty quickly. Just make sure they know the mix-up and its doubtful that this will hurt you at all. As long as you let them know, I wouldn’t worry.</p>