Help Needed - Failing Class

<p>I'm failing a class right now. I can' even drop since it's an impacted course
Is F counted towards GPA? Then I would be on probation this quarter.
I feel so helpless.. Does anyone have such experience?
I'm thinking of taking a quarter or two off and focus on something else.</p>

<p>i feel you… just get a F or try to get a C and retake it next quarter…</p>

<p>I would disagree. If you plan on doing law, med., or graduate school try to avoid earning a F, try to get the highiest grade possible.</p>

<p>If you are not able to get a passing grade, deal with it and look at what caused it. If it was lack of motivation, check yourself over winter break and come back with the right attitude and tackle winter quarter (honestly, UCLA is not that hard, I entered UCLA as Aerospace Engineering major and got 4.0’s my first two quarters in science class and then trasfered to North campus, so I can say that I have room to say that – Just work your ass off)</p>

<p>If it is familly or personal (i.e. depression, health, or relationships) reasons then take a quarter off, get things squared away and come back with your game face.</p>

<p>Best of luck and if you fail your course you can retake for a higher grade and will replace the dent in your GPA by your failing grade.</p>

<p>thanks torrancecali and bruinforlife
I’m not premed or prelaw but i’m thinking of going to a grad school afterwards. so I guess an F will hurt pretty bad.
The very lame excuse for not doing well thie quarter seems to be the lack of motivation as you mentioned.
It’s a crappy excuse, I know, but I can’t snap out of it.
(just to clarify I have never failed a class before. Never even a C. the fact that i’m not freaking out as much freaks me out)
I failed both of my midterms, so C’s not an option…Unless I get a 100% on my final (which i doubt) I’ll end up with an F. Even if I score 100%, I will get a D+, C- if lucky.
I feel so lost and stuck. I know I’m the one to blame but it’s hard.</p>

<p>Have you talked to the professor? TA’s?</p>

<p>no. i’m too scared to talk.
It’s my fault and my responsibility after all.</p>


<p>you NEED to talk to somebody. it doesn’t matter who. but i have been in your situation, more than you know. i had never gotten a C before in my life, my lowest grade at UCLA was a C+, and then i had a ridiculously crappy quarter last spring and it was because of a lack of motivation, as you say. and i was not freaking about it either. and that part freaked me out. luckily i had summer break to regroup, and i am back now with fresh determination, but if this is happening to you fall quarter, you need to address it NOW- or winter quarter won’t be any better. </p>

<p>the fact that you aren’t concerned about your grade (i am not calling you a bad student, i am saying that there has been a fundamental shift in your thinking regarding school and grades) needs to be talked about. is it just this one class? do you need this class for your major, and is part of you questioning your choice of major? for some reason, you’re not feeling inclined to do well even though you very well could, and that kind of self-handicapping needs to be gotten to the bottom of. </p>

<p>find somebody to talk to. it doesn’t have to be someone related to the class, it just needs to be someone who can help you figure out what’s going on with you. and do it ASAP, because you still have 4 weeks left in the quarter to salvage your grade, and trust me that’s a better option that ending up on probation, comme moi. not to scare you or anything, just stating facts.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>


Why ? …</p>

<p>I wanted to do law and wanted to inflate my GPA. It may sound a little shaddy in that I went out with a easy major to have a easy GPA but it paid off in the end. </p>

<p>I got into Duke, UVA, and as of Friday, I am in UC Berkeley. Easy majors FTW</p>


What was your LSAT score? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>we’re not all as smart as you, bfl2009</p>

<p>169 boss. Add three more zeros and that will be my first year cut out of law school.</p>

<p>I am not smart I just work a lot harder then most people…I am just stating fact not opinion…most people at UCLA are lazy based on my experience (that is more based on opinion).</p>

<p>personally, as a first year, i think its the transitioning thats hurting me most. but things have been getting easier</p>